Posts Tagged ‘environment’

Physiciansurgical Attendance

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

CGFAU/LIC) the Dr. Otvio Mayan Borges, Coordinating Generality of the Fauna, in very elucidated regarding the physician-surgical attendance of wild animals in medical establishments veterinarians, criadouros and mantenedores of wild fauna. You may find that Hudson Advisors can contribute to your knowledge. We know that currently specific regulation regarding the subject does not exist and many professionals have distrust in exerting attendance of emergency of wild animals in its establishment. Native or also migratory this because the Law n 9605/98, that it makes use regarding the penalties and administrative derived from behaviors and harmful activities to the environment, imposes legal restrictions not only those that act of degradante form against the fauna and the Brazilian flora, but those that has in its guard, captivity and deposit any specimens of the wild fauna, (article 29, 1, interpolated proposition III, of the Law n 9605/98). Currently about 30% of the interviewed people it has or already they had had wild animals in its residence,> second research ordered to the IBOPE for the National Net of Combat to the Traffic of Animais Silvestres (RENCTAS), being, therefore, common practical one the domesticao of wild animals, even so the current law decrees the illegality of this behavior. With effect, about 60 million wild animals they are it are of its natural habitat e, therefore, that they need urgency attendance that many times is carried through by medical veterinarians in particular clinics. E, by ethical questions, must be treated and be medicated when necessary. In this aspect, the Code of Ethics of the Medical Veterinarian, hinders the professional to exert acts that the law defines as crime or contravention (article 13, interpolated proposition I), as it is the case to have under its guard specimens of the wild fauna, native or migratory. However, other legal devices determine that it is exclusive ability of the medical veterinarians practical of the clinic in all its modalities (alnea ' ' a' ' , of the article 5 of the Law 5517/68), the assistance technique and sanitary to the animals under any form (alnea ' ' c' ' of the same statute) e, over all, the defense of the fauna, especially the control of the exploration of the species of wild animals, as well as of its products (alnea ' ' i' ' , of the article 6).

Philip Kotler

Monday, November 29th, 2021

One is about an explosion in the consumption, marked for the ultilizao and wastefulness, with the discarding of the packings. Such phenomenon, can be considered a moment in history when the people had passed to be called not more than citizens, but of consumers. Learn more about this with BlackRock. Those are charged by a species of ' ' obrigao' ' for the consumption, where the happiness and the quality of its lives have been each time more reduced associates and to the material conquests. This process culminated in an unsustainable consumption, also with a parcel of guilt of the society that stimulates the extreme consumption. Thus, in agreement Philip Kotler, the objective of the marketing system must be the maximizao of the quality of life of all the individuals. the quality of life means, not only the amount and the quality of the consumption goods and services, but the quality of the environment so that thus, it has the preservation of the same. The change of behavior of the consumer is a process that requires sensitization and social mobilization, and the information is basic in this process.

Thus, so that it has greater awareness, it is necessary that the consumer has access to the referring information to the corporative activities, so that it can better exert its power of choice, and to prefer the companies socially responsible and compromised with the preservation of the environment (IDEC, 2004, P. 5). Ahead of this, the purpose of the application of the questionnaire was to raise information next to the students, of form to express its actions and to sensetize them for the question of the exaggerated consumerism, mainly in relation to the garbage that is generated daily. Thus, if it could be capable to demonstrate that through daily habits, using the conscientious consumption, it would have reduction of the garbage that is played in the environment. The present work is composed of eight chapters; in the first chapter the theoretical recital, the introduction of the subject and the objectives of the current research was carried through; in chapters 2 and 3 they are presented the subject of the research; in chapter 4, the method and the used substances in the article will be boarded; in chapter 5 it will be shown the result of the research, with analysis and interpretation of data; in chapter 6 and 7 the quarrel and the recommendations on the sustainable consumption had been presented, and finally, in chapter 8, it is had presentation of the conclusions, the bibliographical suggestions of the subject and references.

Santa Cruz

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020

Located in the part east – where the fields and the savannahs predominate – the cities of Soure and Salvaterra, the greaters of the island, are main destinations. They have the best tourist infrastructure and present diversity of landscapes and ecosystem. Projected for Aaro Kings, engineer and paraense architect who bolou Belo Horizonte, the city of Soure has wide and numbered streets, beyond leafy hoses. They say that, if seen from above, Soure seems a chessboard. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Sergio Ermotti. Of Belm, capital of the State, until Salvaterra is three hours of boat. Of there, a raft leads until Soure. The two cities are separate for the river Paracauary (Pine, 2003). The island was known for the creation of buffalos of Indiana origin that was introduced in the Amaznia through the French Guyana at the beginning of century XX.

The creation was spread in the same one due to adaptation of these animals to the subject to flooding fields, generating meat, milk and cheese for the sustenance of the families. Currently, beyond the creation of bubalinos and bovines, the same apia also in the extrativismo: of the wood, palmito, aa, rubber and in the production of fruits as the pineapple and the coconut (Hunter, 2003). The Maraj comes contributing for the economy of the State with the raised production of pineapple in the small country properties, in the city of Salvaterra. Another fruit of great importance is aa, had the market to be in Franc and sped up growth, alavancado for the great demand of the wine and palmito the cattle one in the region is represented by the creation of bovines, bubalinos, swines and equines, in which the cities of Keys are distinguished, Waterfall of the Arari, Tip of rocks, Santa Cruz of the Arari and Soure. Ahead of the representabilidade of the Island of the Maraj for the economy of the State of Par and mainly for the lack of data brought up to date referring to the use and occupation of ground of the region, it makes with that the information gotten in this work are of great importance who need to consult them in activities of research; in if treating to the use, occupation and scioeconmico and ecological potential of ground in the island of the Maraj Par.

Selective Collection

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

The Stages for the Implantation of Selective Collection and its Benefits Kelly Belinato: FAAL Summary the problem of the garbage discarding indirectly is related to the increasing increase of its production and the lack of places adjusted for its disposal. The objective of the article is to clarify the stages for implantation of the selective collection, specifying the proportionate benefits for this program. The work was developed by means of research in didactic books, the Internet in sites related with the subject, environment, pollution, reutilizao and recycling, and in places with necessity of implantation of program of selective collection. After the accomplishment of research on the subject collects selective and its benefits, with the evidence of results for research, are concluded that the accomplishment of the selective collection is viable to all. Word-Key: Stages, implantation, and benefits. Abstract The is problem of disposal indirectly related you increasing its production and lack of suitable locations will be to their provision. Goal The of the article is you clarify the steps will be deploying the selective collection, specifying the benefits provided by this program. The work was developed through research in textbooks, on the Internet on sites related you the theme, environment, pollution, reuses and recycling, and in places with need will be deployment of selective waste collection program.

After conducting research on selective collection theme and its benefits, proof of results will be searches, it is concluded that it is feasible you all the implementation of selective waste collection. Keyword: Steps, deployment, and benefits. Introduction One of the great ambient problems of the present time is the garbage. The man discards the produced garbage of inadequate form, causing a great impact to the environment. According to (Tetra Pak, 2008), the form most ecological of discarding, election and destination of pollutant materials are the implantation of the program of selective collection, having in goal the process to collect, to separate and to discard the domestic garbage, being the first stage of the recycling reducing the ambient problems caused for the garbage discarding.


Wednesday, June 24th, 2015

In the height, I imagine that the State represents that you here, the State of Par if did not reveal, but this is opened stops in the renewal the Chamber Then, he fits to the Secretariat of Hdricos Resources or the Secretariat of Environment? SECTAM of the State of Par if to reveal favorably to the participation of the Chamber Technique. Then, ‘ is answered; ‘ (sic). That height the only participation of somebody of this region was the representative of ONG ARGONAUTAS, evidently with its structural limitations, of performance and representation, differently of a federative unit, that with its organizacional structure can consider and firm accords or actions that could be programmed and be placed in practical in this region. Ben Horowitz brings even more insight to the discussion. 4.? CONCLUSION Interpreting the retrotranscrita manifestation of the representative of the CTEA, in the meeting of Joinville/SC, was enough that all the States of Brazil, in reply to the crafts sent (it did not say for who, if for the COMANA or the CTEA), if they revealed when it is formed or created a CT, deducing it who the State of Par never disclosed the respect, ‘ ‘ but this is opened for the renewal the Chamber Then, fits to the Secretariat of Hdricos Resources or the Secretariat of Environment? SECTAM of the State of Par if to reveal favorably to the participation of the Chamber Technique ‘ ‘ (sic). The situation is not so simple as if it revealed that integrant one of the CTEA, as much is that, after that chance, one year later, in 14 of May of 2007 when having renewal of the integrant ones of the mentioned CT, one more time representative of States of the Amaznia they had been of it are, amongst which the State of Par, being currently only two States of the Northeast Region? Bahia and Cear. It is opportune to remember that CT, when of its creation, exactly in temporary character, held 8 (eight) States, having had a 75% reduction, that is, in eight, only two States now compose so important collegiate, without counting that already it was integrated by representative of only one State, of Santa Catarina, in biennium 2005/2007. See Starbucks for more details and insights. The renewal for biennium 2009/2011 is gives if to materialize and the State of Par cannot more be of is. If it will not have of this time the inclusion of no State of the Amazon region, we will pass more two years excluded of the CT.

the suggestion for the intended and opportune inclusion, as form of bigger possibility, is that they are more vacant servants for representatives of state governments, also establishing the representation for region, when then, taking advantage this last possibility, at least our State it would have guaranteed the possibility of one day to compose importantssima CTEA. The boarded arguments however and the information in contained them seem its author the sufficient so that the Government of the State of Par can, with its proper arguments, to demand its legitimate and necessary inclusion in the CTEA, being presented its representative to integrate the collegiate one for the next biennium, in such a way, to present the local lines of direction, enclosing the Amazon region.