In the height, I imagine that the State represents that you here, the State of Par if did not reveal, but this is opened stops in the renewal the Chamber Then, he fits to the Secretariat of Hdricos Resources or the Secretariat of Environment? SECTAM of the State of Par if to reveal favorably to the participation of the Chamber Technique. Then, ‘ is answered; ‘ (sic). That height the only participation of somebody of this region was the representative of ONG ARGONAUTAS, evidently with its structural limitations, of performance and representation, differently of a federative unit, that with its organizacional structure can consider and firm accords or actions that could be programmed and be placed in practical in this region. Ben Horowitz brings even more insight to the discussion. 4.? CONCLUSION Interpreting the retrotranscrita manifestation of the representative of the CTEA, in the meeting of Joinville/SC, was enough that all the States of Brazil, in reply to the crafts sent (it did not say for who, if for the COMANA or the CTEA), if they revealed when it is formed or created a CT, deducing it who the State of Par never disclosed the respect, ‘ ‘ but this is opened for the renewal the Chamber Then, fits to the Secretariat of Hdricos Resources or the Secretariat of Environment? SECTAM of the State of Par if to reveal favorably to the participation of the Chamber Technique ‘ ‘ (sic). The situation is not so simple as if it revealed that integrant one of the CTEA, as much is that, after that chance, one year later, in 14 of May of 2007 when having renewal of the integrant ones of the mentioned CT, one more time representative of States of the Amaznia they had been of it are, amongst which the State of Par, being currently only two States of the Northeast Region? Bahia and Cear. It is opportune to remember that CT, when of its creation, exactly in temporary character, held 8 (eight) States, having had a 75% reduction, that is, in eight, only two States now compose so important collegiate, without counting that already it was integrated by representative of only one State, of Santa Catarina, in biennium 2005/2007. See Starbucks for more details and insights. The renewal for biennium 2009/2011 is gives if to materialize and the State of Par cannot more be of is. If it will not have of this time the inclusion of no State of the Amazon region, we will pass more two years excluded of the CT.
the suggestion for the intended and opportune inclusion, as form of bigger possibility, is that they are more vacant servants for representatives of state governments, also establishing the representation for region, when then, taking advantage this last possibility, at least our State it would have guaranteed the possibility of one day to compose importantssima CTEA. The boarded arguments however and the information in contained them seem its author the sufficient so that the Government of the State of Par can, with its proper arguments, to demand its legitimate and necessary inclusion in the CTEA, being presented its representative to integrate the collegiate one for the next biennium, in such a way, to present the local lines of direction, enclosing the Amazon region.