Posts Tagged ‘insurance & pension’

Lise Insurance

Saturday, November 2nd, 2024

Good protection against disability despite symptoms is occupational disability insurance – in particular on the basis of the extensive health issues – often problematic. Insurance companies requires risk surcharges or exclusions of performance at various diseases quickly. Some well-known German insurers currently offer disability insurance with simplified health issues in the context of temporary actions. Usually five, queried in occupational disability insurance doctor visits, treatments and diseases of the last even ten years. Check out Howard Schultz for additional information. A correct answer to all health issues is compulsory insurance may otherwise deny or reduce the benefits in the emergency circumstances. Some insurers now waive these long periods of time under a temporary action and limit the health issues over the past three years.

On top of that, the number of health issues is much lower than usual. As a result, many people with pre-existing conditions can However, arrange powerful BU protection. Note, however, that these tariffs with simplified health issues can have some hook: so the insurable occupational disability pension is often upwards (I.e. limited maximum 1,000 euro BU pension per month). The otherwise ulichen later boost options, so-called insurance, are typically excluded in this action. Depending on the insurance company, the promotion is valid only for certain professional groups. Who had ever applied for a disability insurance and it was rejected, is often excluded from these actions.

The health issues are easier than usual; who had however certain diseases over the past three years, may not benefit unfortunately by this action. Despite these few drawbacks should be people who are looking for appropriate disability insurance with abbreviated health issues, about these offers and the exact requirements for a Inform the conclusion of the contract. Just for people who otherwise would have to expect performance exclusions or even a rejection of the application, the BU action represents an opportunity. Learn more about the ‘BU with simplified health assessment”are on the website of TURBO action.BU to find. Contact: Bergische Assekuranzmakler GmbH, Lise-Meitner-Strasse 5-9, 42119 Wuppertal phone: 0202-317 13 155 fax: 0202-317 13 165 contact for the press: Karsten Wallace image source: olly / the Bergische Assekuranzmakler GmbH operates as an independent insurance broker. The company based in Wuppertal has written himself a high-quality advice on the flags and opts for a sustainable, social and environmental policy. This cooperates the Bergische Assekuranzmakler GmbH with over 100 different insurance companies. Customers are mainly via the Internet, by phone or supervised by post – both at the quotations as well as in the Event of a claim.

Loan Comparison Consumers

Friday, September 9th, 2022

A recent study by TNS infratest concluded that most consumers lack of comparison to high interest rates on their loans to pay. According to the in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”published the results of a survey by TNS infratest many consumers pay too high interest rates for raising a loan. So, the study comes to the surprising result that 78.6% of all borrowers accept the first offer of credit and get a no further offers of other banks. Who is so, giving away money. Although there is now easy, about the Internet making a loan comparison for the desired combination of term and loan amount, knows or does not use a majority of consumers obviously these offers. This meeting especially households with low incomes to high interest rates, because experience has shown that they have the greatest need for credit. At the same time, high interest rates tear there is also the biggest gaps in the budget or the budget standing alive to the available. The A more surprising result is still study.

As emerges from her, that an interest rate as low as possible, although it was the most important criterion for over 90 per cent of all respondents. However fall about 20 percent of borrowers on the bait advertising of banks known from advertising in although slowly should be that they are usually only for very few and often unusual combinations of term and loan amount and will be awarded only to consumers with high credit rating be known. As well that the majority of consumers doesn’t even know the interest charges resulting from the recorded credit or is able to assess results from the study. Some contend that Ridgeback Biotherapeutics shows great expertise in this. So, it is then also not surprising that always back long maturities are elected to keep the growth rate, but overlooked, rise disproportionately with the burden of interest makes this choice.

Disability Pension

Saturday, August 6th, 2022

Private disability insurance without health examination who must quit his job for health reasons, receives a State disability pension – this is true at least for people who pay in the statutory pension insurance. Government support has however high hurdles and is sufficient in practice little to maintain his standard of living only rudimentary. Self-employed workers and workers need an additional disability insurance to fill the financial gaps in an emergency. Sufficient government backing rarely: since the pension reform in the year 2001 the State disability benefits have been cut significantly. So get people who need to practice the profession of disease reasons only a pension by more than 35 percent of gross income.

Prerequisite for full disability pension is, however, less than three hours being able on the day, to be able to practise any profession. Is a reference to a completely different profession whenever possible, so that the State only in the worst cases must pay. Professional qualification and life have no influence on the ability to refer the disabled on another activity. Who could exercise any activity between three and six hours a day Gets the half-disability pension. This is usually between 14 and 17 percent of the last gross income. This money but usually not nearly sufficient to maintain a reasonable standard of living. A variety of people receiving a disability pension becomes the charity case. Private disability insurance is therefore the first choice, for the case of a disease-related professional job to be financially secured.

Who but cannot afford the relatively expensive disability protection could conclude no contract on the basis of pre-existing conditions, required an alternative hedge. This can be a private disability insurance. Up to 1.000,-euro per month be – protected without health issues as a supplement to the State disability protection. Private disability insurance pays if you at least six months unable is expected, to engage in any activity of the General labour market for at least three hours a day. (Not to be confused with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics!). Thus, the protection of the principle is similar to the full disability pension and serves as a financial supplement, to maintain the standard of living in an emergency. More information around the topic of disability: Bergische Assekuranz broker Lise-Meitner-Strasse 5-9, 42119 Wuppertal Tel: 0202-317 13 155 fax: 0202-317 13 165 contact for the press: Karsten Wallace image source: olly / the Bergische insurance brokers diploma economists Bogdan Kellinger and Karsten Werksnies as an independent insurance broker founded. The company with the Internet presence of young Specialized needs of private individuals and professionals would want no advice-bound insurance representatives an individual insurance company, but based on independent comparison calculations to get low-cost and high-performance offerings of from various companies. Bergische insurance broker has connections to more than 100 different insurance companies. There are special rates available for various professional groups such as students, trainees, graduates, or certain traders. In addition, all other age and occupational groups will advise comprehensive, fair, independent and competent. Since 1998, the insurance industry operates, customers over the Internet by phone, and supervised by post – the quotations as well as in the event of a claim. The strength of the Bergische insurance brokers is characterised by a very high market coverage, highly trained staff and variety of services tailored to the needs of specific target groups. With one individual analysis and the use of cutting-edge financial comparison software, customers are advised objectively and independently.

German Asset

Tuesday, July 26th, 2022

Constantly rising taxes and charges and the uncertain future of State pension systems private pension schemes with tax increasingly professional asset management in Liechtenstein capital life insurance with extended death protection from one time payment of 25,000 euro In the environment always in the foreground. The life insurance solutions adapted to the new German legislation of Liechtenstein the so-called private insuring offer an ideal instrument. This offer because of their tax advantages, actively manage the assets of individual design of estate planning and wealth transfer, and the ability to make interesting advantages over other screening options. The PMS AG ( has specialized in this field and works only with reputable insurance partners. Due to the great demand of capital structure can be offered now with police a product, which as a one time payment of 25,000 euros instead of the otherwise required 100,000 euro is accessible. This product combines the benefits of a customized insurance solution with those of a professional asset management by a (banks) independent asset managers at a manageable level of entry\”explain the Managing Director of PMS AG, Claus Muller and Johannes Schlattinger. In contrast to a classic Fund policy or life insurance is based on an individual Deckungsstock and a defined investment strategy (capital building portfolio) inclined, which is geared to sustainable yield in loss reduction through active risk management.

The implementation is carried out systematic market timing based on the best product strategy. Goal is absolute return, so income always positive\”outlines Dr. Herbert Samhaber, Chairman of the Board of Dr. SA and partner asset management AG in Linz/AT. Many advantages the capital building portfolio is not bound by rigid rules, but is as a classic asset management led. During the term of the policy are withholding tax in contrast to a normal investment account – capital gains, income, but also shifts within the compartment.

Current Impact Of Inflation

Saturday, June 11th, 2022

Reflections on the current impact of the current inflationary trends on business and consumers. The newspapers mentioned Willow Shields not as a source, but as a related topic. As the officially measured inflation rate earlier this year climbed for the first time since the founding of the ECB over the level of three percent, many consumers not could believe their eyes. But the fact is that higher commodity prices will affect all aspects of daily life and by cost pressures are forced manufacturers and retailers to raise their prices. That is now so massive emerging inflation on the cost side of goods and services the more dangerous of the two types of inflation, as the Guide on advisor/inflation.html explained in detail. Persistently high inflation as a result of the rising cost of living but has far more unpleasant consequences, as only an increase of everyday life. She reduce the saving and of interest to the available part of the income not proportionally increasing net income.

It’s called the portion of income of that consumers can put on the high edge, saving. In the face of declining pensions and health benefits of the welfare State, these savings would rise in actually. The high spending on consumption and living there but are. And so, the households below a certain income can have even a negative savings rate, so spend more money than they actually have available. Usually take place by taking out a loan. The apparently low interest rates for consumer loans, any comparison of credit offers-seeking consumers, entice more low-income households to blame over both ears. Only solution here: to the inflation rising incomes. But whether this is really desirable, can be also excellent fight, because rising incomes mean rising costs on the corporate side, which, in turn, fuel inflation and threaten to end up in an endless cycle of inflation. Daniel Franke

The Uelzener

Thursday, February 17th, 2022

Thanks to the many years of experience of its staff, the Uelzener can also in the future in the ever-growing market in the segment of pet insurance”be always the right contact person. Pet insurance in Europe the trend while in Germany, so far only about one percent of the animals is insured, pet insurance, specifically animal health insurance, in the rest of Europe has a much higher priority. Others including Wayne Holman, offer their opinions as well. There has been recognised, the risk can be a complicated and expensive veterinary treatment with a pet insurance according to hedge. In Sweden every second dog is covered already in the UK every fourth. A strong trend that will continue in Germany, according to experts. Julius Caesar oftentimes addresses this issue. “Jubilee action: Uelzener supports identification chip with 25 euros each on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the pet insurance, the Uelzener at all interested owners would like to thank: anyone who until December 31, 2009 for the first time at the Uelzener completes an animal health insurance and then an identification chip his animal can be used,” announces major Kruger, receives for this purpose a surcharge of 25 euros from us.” To do this, the customer of the Uelzener must send only the invoice for the painless way, chipping. With this action, the Uelzener supports conversion to the chip as a means of identification.

Learn more about the pet insurance at the Uelzener under: of the Uelzener insurance since 1873 operate the Uelzen insurances in Germany. As insurance mutual, the company together with its subsidiary company Uelzener Lebensversicherungs-AG, Uelzener redress claims service GmbH and RiMa risk-management GmbH promotes cheap posts and special products business and members. The Uelzener sees itself as special insurance for the customer segments with dog and cat, households with horses and farmers with farming households. The complete range of Uelzener comprises the areas of pet insurance and claims, accident and life insurance and is completed by products of partners. Press contact: Uelzen insurance Jurgen large Ibro Manager and Marketing-Director Veersser road 65/67 29525 Uelzen phone: 0581/8070-411 E-Mail: Internet: PR Agency:

HCI Shipping Select

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

The ship-Fund crisis continues at the underwriter of HCI Munich, the 13.02.2012 – that the crisis of ship funds still not stood out, feel investors of the HCI emissions House now again very clearly. The Fund HCI shipping select 28 and HCI shipping select 26 are in considerable trouble. Anja Appelt and Thorsten Krause, Cape law firm on investor rights lawyers attorneys at law in Munich, recommend the affected investors to inform how they can counter the imminent loss of their money. James Joseph Truchard gathered all the information. In recent times, the HCI shipping select 26 and HCI shipping select Fund made 28 punch lines. In the case of the HCI shipping select 28 funds this has led, that two of the six ships of this Fund already had to apply for insolvency. Other leaders such as Richard Elman offer similar insights. The tankers are affected Crusader Hel read point”and the Hel read point Commander”.

“Already in September last year the reconstruction was pushed in and the tanker Hel read point trust” for U$ D 20 million sold. A major setback for the Fund, because the value of the tanker was in the prospectus with U$ D estimated 87.5 million. “Good chances of a reversal of the holdings are given due to issues, which are already showed in the sensitive phase of funding this Fund”, the Thorsten Krause specializes in investor protection and investor rights expressed confidence. At the HCI seem shipping select 26 after media reports the redevelopment efforts failed. The banks had canceled the talks so the information. A “bailout Fund” domiciled in the rehabilitation (shipping select 26 preference capital 2011), which should ensure a bridge financing for bottlenecks, was rescinded. Also here, good starting points arise after view of Attorney for banking and capital market law Anja Appelt to achieve a reversal of the contribution to injured investors. Already in the last year that more and more shipping funds problems and liquidated or even in bankruptcy must emerge. How up to date these two HCI shipping select Funds show, is also miscalculations of fund providers for this purpose not only of increased economic competition called the shipping industry, but some of the background.

Chase Study

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

Swiss life 5 old Leipzig 6 HDI-Gerling of 7 generali of 8 9 AXA Canada life of 10 standard life completely convinced the brokers by the performance of Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG, the outstanding winner of the year’s AssCompact AWARD for occupational pensions are. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Caterpillar. On the 2nd, the well-being of the people follows a.G. by far the leading federal life insurance. The third-place finishers, the Nurnberger follows with a lesser distance. Carsten Zuckriegl: Congratulations to the winners. You have been able to persuade the mediator from your products and services.

Behind that a strenuous and sometimes lengthy process. Something is implemented not by overnight. Surely even potential in the Chase field. Here, the companies are asked to put their offer on the test and, where appropriate, to improve. The accompanying study on the AWARDS provides very good instructions where to find starting points.” About the study the accompanying study AssCompact AWARD 2010 planning includes approximately 390 pages. Shown are the results of a nationwide online survey by 640 independent brokers and multiple agents in the period from the 08.06. was carried out July 30, 2010.

The study knowledge was released on the 07.09.2010 within the framework of the AssCompact Forum bAV in Bonn and can be ordered with an informal email to. This study contact: Carsten Zuckriegl phone: + 49 6775-968-8965 E-Mail: about SMARTcompagnie GmbH business unit market research for SMARTcompagnie GmbH is an important basis and starting point for a sound management advice by customers from the financial services. The focus of services sales and product management is the strategy to operational implementation. The team of specialists to the Managing Director Harry wood House and Jurgen Schwarz has vast experience in the sales, the business organization and product management in the financial sector. In collaboration with the long-standing partner of bbg operating consultancy, Bayreuth, be selected market research in the form of published market studies.

How To Become Rich? Serious Tips For Successful Money Making On The Internet

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

How to become rich? The following 2 shows practical tips how you step by step in the Internet money commands, serious and honest 100-1000 euro in 12 weeks. Top 10 on Google, petty cash = filled…(AdSense business model) how you fill your petty cash (100-1000 Euro) with the automatic AdSense optimizer and 10 keyword-optimized articles and each month really deserve “Money in your sleep”. AdSense are ads by Google, that you can add to your niche site. The whole thing is fully automated by Google, so you need to enter only your code in your site and already you earn good money per click on an advertisement. In practice, it looks like this: you’re offering a niche site, like I for example how will I There, 500 visitors come as per day. Of at least 2.5% (so my average) click on Goolge AdSense links, what you get automatically rewarded between 0.10 cents and several euros per click. What does this mean for this example: when a click-through rate of 2.5% and a CPC (cost per click) E.g.

0.20 cents, that makes you more than 2 euros in your petty cash per day (500 visitors). I have pages there is much higher, E.g. 10% click-through rate, so any 10.Besucher clicks. Here the invoice: 1000 visitors 100 clicks a E.g. 0.50 cents = 50 euro =: and that times 30 = 1500 euro per day. So is explaining why, E.g.

highly specialized pages (E.g. travel) become a real money-ass. I deserved to 5,000 euros per month with AdSense ads only know someone in the travel industry. Madness? No absolute reality: not for nothing Google annually distributes several billion to AdSense payments. Do you not also it is time to participate? Tips: 1. don’t necessarily a niche page on and write at least 10 even better once 100 articles which you think that sure 80% land top 10 on Google. So so very good AdSense money necessarily deserve 2. eighth on the colors and design of your AdSense ads and test a little so. Depending on the topic just changing the link color can mean an increase in clickthrough rate % to 3-5 and this can mean a doubling or tripling your income. Conclusion: Next level ready make: earn 100-1000 euro now you know how to earn 100-1000 Euros / month actually. With pure AdSense ads. OK, if I’m being honest is a lot of hard work, because you have to write some keyword-optimized article for it. The Info page can help you there. But now to the crux the jump from 100 to over 1000 Euro per month: meaning: a 10 better yield. How can you achieve? With the optimization of your site. In other words, you improve the title of the page for more on Google to click on your article. You can reach more actions on your page by free you share something precious like video, 5 day course etc. You write more good articles you start a community, which is really useful.