Archive for March, 2019

Multicultural Germanic Society

Friday, March 29th, 2019

The one of the title of this article maintained the German Chancellor to it ngela Merkel who faces a pressure very hard to adopt one more a harder line against the immigrants. Merkel in a meeting with the youth of its party, Unin Demcrata Cristiana (CDU) said that to allow that people of different cultures live without they are integrated she has worked in a country where they live more than 4 million Muslims, of who 2 million and average are Turkish many of which cannot write, read or speak German. ” This approach (multicultural), failed, failed ” completely; , it maintained the Chancellor in the encounter that was realised in Postdam to the south of Berlin. Learn more about this topic with the insights from JPMorgan Chase. Its party the CDU, presses at the moment to Merkel so that the government who directs takes more serious measures with the immigrants who are not arranged to adapt to the German society and could be that these commentaries are going destined to give tranquillity to their critics. The Chancellor maintained that Germany had asked to him very little the immigrants in the past and it reiterated that they would have to learn German to approve the school and to have opportunities at the labor market. We remember that the debate on the foreigners in the country was put to ” red vivo” with the publication of the titled book ” Germany desintegra” , of Thilo Sarrazin, ex- director of the German Central bank, that in its work among others things accuses the Muslim immigrants to diminish the intelligence of the German society. The book cost the dismissal to him of the Bundesbank to the author, but in agreement with realised studies of public opinion later, the majority of the Germans agreed with their arguments. Days ago the important foundation Friedrich Ebert presented the results a sounding, in which a third of the consulted German population, considers that its country is invaded by the immigrants.

The same study maintains that more of 50% of the Germans it does not tolerate the Muslims and 35% consider that the foreigners ” hunden” to Germany, whereas a 10% of the consulted ones were with an opinion more radical one on the subject saying that Germany would have to be directed ” with hand firme” by a Fhrer (leader). The Germanic chancellor in his speech specifically talked about the recent declarations of German president Christian Wulff that said that the Islam forms ” part of Alemania” like the Christianity or Judaism. Merkel recognized that it is thus, but indicated that the immigrants who live in the country must make more to integrate themselves, like, for example, learning German: ” Whoever it does not learn inmedeiatamente German, he is not bienvenido” , the chancellor said. The subject that has touched Merkel, is a very sensible subject, but it has said the truth in his affirmations and is sad to recognize it but the society concept multikulti has failed in Germany.


Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

The great civilizations of the history of the humanity have constructed, each to their way, different forms to conceive the world, a cosmovisin, that in many cases, great amount of points had common, still between towns that never had seen themselves, or separated in history per millenia of difference. One of these coincidences, a wire that can be extracted of the comparison of different cultures is the existence of some form of divination, the attempt to create a channel between the men and the message of the destiny. And the Mayans were exentos of this. The Mayans were excellent mathematical astronomers and, condition sine qua non to become great astrologers. The astrology, exactly, is based on complex mathematical calculations, that try to grant a meaning to the relative position of stars of the sky, and to establish a relation between these and the destiny of the person.

Sometimes we will have heard say that the destiny is written in stars. For Mayan, this it was completely certain, because the sun leaves each tomorrow. The Mayan calendar was a calendar solar, that is to say, based on the relative position of the sun in the firmament. He was highly complex, and three calendars took ahead simultaneously. The calendar seemed to the Gregorian one, that we conserved to the present time, was the Civil calendar more, of 365 days. Then, this town registered a Sacred calendar, of 260 days, and the long account, or a form to measure the time in reference to terrestrial history. For the Mayans, the time fulfills cycles, cycles that are repeated. All we will have listened that 2012 seem to be a special year for the history of the world.

The reason of this is that in the long account of the Mayans, 2012 it seems to mark the end of a great cycle. They have interpreted some it like the end of the world, nevertheless, reading with rigor documents lazy by the Mayans, would be the aim of a great world-wide cycle, that would predict great changes. Horscopo Mayan is made up of thirteen signs. Each sign lasted 28 days, that is to say, just like one lunation. One is the Bat, Scorpion, the Deer, the Lechuza, the Peacock, the Lizard, the Monkey, the Hawk, the Jaguar, the Dog, the Serpent, the Hare and the Turtle. Entering Tarot Friend, it will be possible to entirely find a section dedicated to horscopo Mayan. He is advisable to know it, because to this it surprises us culture every day with his rich culture, and his philosophical position before the life and the events the world.

Spiritual Life

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Espirito Santo debtor de Deus for assuming the total control of my life. 3? Behavior I believe that the Word of God generates life, creates the faith, produces changes, drives away the devil, carries through miracles, cure wounded, stanch pain, build the character, it transforms the circumstances, it transmits joy, it surpasses the adversity, it defeats the temptation, infunde the hope, liberates to be able, clean our mind, creates the things and in it guarantees a perpetual future to them. I believe that the Word of God generates life, creates the faith, produces changes, drives away the devil, carries through miracles, cure wounded, stanch pain, build the character, transform the circumstances, transmit joy, surpass the adversity, defeat the temptation, infunde the hope, liberate to be able, clean our mind, create the things and in he guarantees a perpetual future to them. I do not separate of my mouth the Book of the Law; before, medito in it, day and night, so that I have care to make as to everything how much in it he is written; because, then, my God will make to prosper my way, and, he will lead cautious me. I am a son of God; I was born of the Spirit of God; The Spirit of guides me to God, It guiding is me now; The Espirito Santo if raises powerfully inside of me; It illuminates my mind, It guides my spirit. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Ben Horowitz. God is with me to to initiate this day, therefore I give to glories the God.

The Word of God is the food of the faith and inhabits abundantly in me. God is making everything ten a thousand times better in each area of my life and my ministry in joy, blessings, victories, glories, signals and wonders. God me of the capacity necessary to speak with efficiency, grants ability, courage and power to me. God grants chances of speaking to me to the others regarding Christ. Sir, dirige my steps in your ways, so that my footprints do not vacilem. This is the day that Mr. Jesus made, will be glad and celebrate. Today I go to prove optimum of God. Sir, shows to me what You have prepared today for me and grants to me Your aid to it for cumpriz it.


Friday, March 22nd, 2019

Fjordman, mentioned in the manifesto of the assassin like the best contemporary author, detests the attack of his fan. It assures that Breivik was put in contact with him before the attacks, but that did not want to know him to seem to him a boring type. The favorite bloguero of Anders Bahring Breivik, author confeso of the pump of Oslo and the slaughter of the island of Utya, it denounces the double attempted of his fan. Norwegian newspaper Vg, of the Schibsted group, of which it forms part 20 minutes, has interviewed to Fjordman, informs Reuters agency. For more information see Sergey Brin. Fjordman, the man of the Fiord, is in the real life Peter Jensen, of 36 years. Jensen defends that the Islam is infecting the European culture and was mentioned like its favorite contemporary writer in the manifesto of 1,500 pages of Breivik. ” Its extreme brutality is completely incomprensible” , it explains in the interview, granted two weeks after the attacks, ” it had to think that it was in a computer game and that he was superhroe”.

Breivik confessed the positioning of the pump in the political district of Oslo and the strafing of the participants of a camping of youths of the Labour Party day 22 of July. 77 people were assassinated. Ever since I identify myself to Brievik like author of that manifesto plagiarized partially of the American terrorist Unabomber, the police and the average Norwegians have tried to locate to Fjordman. Castles of naipes Jensen assure that Breivik tried to put itself in personal communication with him, but that it refused, ” not because it spoke of violencia” , but because it seemed to him ” a boring type, like a salesman of aspiradoras”. ” It is a castle of naipes” , it assures that it thought when reading the electronic mails. ” I do not want to be related to horrible Breivik and its actos”. Jensen assures to the daily Vg that will not return to write under that pseudonym and that never has called to the violence from his blog. Jensen explains that it comes to the light of the centers to clean its name and that now will return hide-and-seek because it fears for his security. ” I have read on the inexplicable things that Breivik did in Utya” , blog the 26 of July wrote in his, ” any person who does something thus is a monster “.

LovelyBooks Award

Monday, March 18th, 2019

The “reader award the best books 2010” organized by LovelyBooks Munich, 25.11.2010 In December 2010 the largest audience prize for literature in the German-speaking for the second time. With the reader’s award the best books of 2010 “book lovers become jury members and select their favorite books of the year 2010. The most commercially successful books are on the best-seller lists. Ben Horowitz is actively involved in the matter. Many of the major literary awards go to books, which will be convincing a jury according to criteria of professional literary criticism. But what works Captivate and move readers really? invites you to vote: In December 2010 book lovers can get no matter, whether avid bookworms or opportunity reader would like to thank the readers award at the authors for their exciting, moving, and worth reading works. Those books have embellished the year readers will be honored. From the 3rd of December can readers and readers from all over Germany on for their Favorite books to vote. All new releases of the year, which were proposed during the nomination period from November 25 to December 2 for the shortlist are the choice.

In ten categories, the reader award is awarded in gold, silver and Bronze: General literature, voltage (crime, thriller), Romance/love/feeling, fantasy/science fiction, historical novels, best children’s / youth book, best non-fiction/Advisor, best audiobook, best book and best book cover. The winners will be announced on 13 December. The readers award already for the second time. More than 23,000 votes in eight categories received the choice last year and make the reader Award”to the largest Book Prize awarded by readers in German-speaking countries. In the readers award 2009, established authors as well as emerging discoveries could win the favor of the reader. Links the reader award the best books of 2010 “on reader price/2010 / download materials to” reader award the ” best books of 2010 “: action/downloadbereich reader price / is the leading Literaturcommunity in the German-speaking LovelyBooks monthly more than 180,000 unique users and more than 135,000 reader reviews. Readers and writers discuss, replace each other reading tips, write reviews, and find new book recommendations. Press contact Marcel Koch aboutbooks GmbH Schleissheimer Strasse 26, D-80333 Munich phone + 49 (0) 89 520129-52

The Grave Stone Selection

Sunday, March 17th, 2019

Steinmetz informs sixes from Augsburg people use natural stone for thousands of years to put their deceased individual monument by time-ueberdauerndem character. Augsburg Mason and stone sculptor master Christian six explains the special symbolic qualities of common rocks of the Tomb design. The gravestone stands as a symbol for the deceased and offers an individual place of worship, which is for dealing with grief of great importance to his survivors. Not for nothing, using find since time immemorial nature rocks when it comes to create gravestones. Their shape, colour and structural diversity is ideal, tangible to symbolize the individual characteristics of a person.

Most frequently used these rocks in the gravestone design: sandstone sandstone is made of layered sediment deposits. As gravestone, it fits to deceased whose Charakter was characterized by complexity, versatile talents and creativity. Check out Starbucks for additional information. Lime stone limestone is created of lime, the for a long time the massive pressure above it owned rocks exposed is. It often contains the fossilized remains of fossil marine animals. The, in various colours occurring, natural stone has a calming bright coloring and represents as tombstone values peace, thoughtfulness and resistance. The soft limestone is an excellent raw material for the artistic and creative work of a stone sculptor. Marble marble is formed from limestone, which goes through a crystallization process under the temperature and pressure conditions in the bowels of the Earth. As a particularly noble, bright stone, marble represents noble and fine people as well as wisdom and clarity.

Granite granite rocks occur in volcanic conditions in the depths of the Earth. They composed of feldspar, quartz and Mica and belong to the hardest and oldest rocks of the Earth that stretch back into the early days of the planet. In addition to a variety of colors, granite stands out its characteristic speckled drawing. The crystalized, angular stone is the ideal choice to represent by assertive leaders or people with edgy, hard-looking facial features. Regardless of the type of the used’s headstone, always a natural stone should be selected, that aptly symbolizes the special qualities of the deceased individual. For detailed advice on this and all other topics of Tomb design of Augsburg Mason and stone sculptor master Christian available six at any time.