National Index
Sunday, November 26th, 2017Representatives of the segments of materials of automobile construction and had said that president Lula if mook a mistake when inferring that the cut of the tax was pocketed by entrepreneurs. For the president of the National Association of the Traders of Material of Construction (Anamaco), Claude Conz, the fall in the prices for the consumer is evidenced in the National Index of the Cost of Construo (INCC). According to it, the fall in the prices of the construction materials contained the rises of the index, that registered high in the costs of the workmanship hand. Kevin Johnson is actively involved in the matter. ‘ ‘ The case most expressive is the value of the cement bag, that cost R$ 18 has two months and today 16.’ is vendido the R$; ‘ In accordance with the president of the Anamaco, the average reduction of 5 porcentuais points of the IPI for construction materials represented fall in the prices of 8 points in the tip. ‘ ‘ This because you did not reduce only the paid tax for the industry, but also the porcentual of the profit edges and others impostos.’ ‘ For representatives of the automobile sector, the disinvesting of a charge of the IPI, in vigor since December middle, stimulated the market and integrally was repassed. After adopted fall of 25% in the sales of November, the measure gave new breath to the market. Of January the May, the sales add 1,149 million of vehicles, only 1,576 units to less of what in equal period of 2008, when did not have international crisis.
Together with the return of the credit in longer stated periods, the automobile market of the Country comes reacting of more positive form of what other countries, where the fall of the sales is brutal, as in U.S.A. and the Europe. BibliografiJornal the State of S. Pablo of 24 of June of 2009 Periodical of Brazil of 24 of June of 2009 Periodical Leaf of S.