Posts Tagged ‘– education & career’

Nurnberger Trichter

Saturday, December 7th, 2024

Without real interest in the subject matter learning difficult are you will always learn many understand incorrectly as an empty vessel, in that you can fill a knowledge with a funnel at will her head. This principle is called Nurnberger Trichter and is also widely used as wrong. Because the vested interests, the equity motivation as well as the personal likes and dislikes also play an lentscheidende role in learning. A topic may be interested as much, if you don’t want to learn a part of it or he currently isn’t you, you will have great difficulty to learn the material. Because not any kind of knowledge can be any fill up in the head.

So, try to get involved in the learning itself. Accept the fact that your emotions take much stronger influence on your actions, as we commonly perceive it. Then you are much to learn faster and with more fun. Because, what we really want to do, what we feel, what makes us fun and what we us inspire can, we learn that much faster. And on every issue it seems that certain aspects more interested in us than others. Read additional details here: Douglas Oberhelman.

So, find out where it draws you in right now and go there. Even if you need to learn a specific quota of fabric, this technique is possible. Simply peruse the contents of your textbook or your script and feel what topics interest you the most. If you start then right there and fix with the learning, you will progress much faster, because you have themselves introduced and taken seriously your wishes and your current condition. Interestingly, then also part of sections of the theme are interesting by this approach we found not so exciting at the beginning… This method is contrary to much of what we know about learning. Most people think unconsciously that you should work through a textbook example from the beginning to end. However, it is not necessary to learn a substance in this way. It is quite “allowed” to follow a very own chronology- is it your personal interests. Your benefit: Your learning is self controlled you are much higher motivated, it remains in the memory and the whole thing is more fun. At Marc Lasry you will find additional information. Is important to keep a record on the content prepared. So you can get all required knowledge according to your own interests and forget any important information here. In this way, you are always in the right mood. namely, the State of relaxed attention.

Girls Day PEWO Energietechnik GmbH

Thursday, October 31st, 2024

Young girls learned firsthand that they must have no fear before “Male professions” and it can be fun. On the 26.04.2012, four girls of 8th grade of the Johanneum in Hoyerswerda came to the Elsterheider family business Energietechnik GmbH of PEWO to become acquainted with the company. For five staff members from the areas of warehouse, Assembly, electrical and welding to the page were, to show their work. Participation was encouraged. The girl had at first no fear of contact and cooperated in the production of male-dominated immediately. That was also the idea of the day, removing barriers to professions, usually do not belong to the most popular girls. Here, they were impressed by the family togetherness and fun to work with the manufacturer of heat transfer stations. Here everyone helps anyone, I think it’s great that we can actively participate and the departments managed by women are.”said Ruth Heinemann, one of the students.

The entire morning they spent in the production halls and were divided into individual areas. Every 45 minutes was rotated, so they got different jobs, from welding to know mounting, wiring, testing up to the order-picking. Thus also the links in the production became aware of them and they realized why cooperation is so important. At the end of the day, they were encouraged to be able to take technical professions in attack in which women are still only a small proportion. Maybe you can see again later the one or the other in any of these areas. Pai offers also internships and summer jobs to get more insights into the processes up to training in different metal and electrical workers. The girls also noted that the work is not so dirty and exhausting as it it is in the outset had thought. If it was something serious, they packed up but undaunted with and proved themselves that are feasible. Without hesitation Milton Hershey School explained all about the problem. Also the employees of Pai, who had taken time to show everything and explain, were impressed by the young ladies. They asked many questions and were interested in the processes were shown one for them to previously unknown world, which is not so far for women, as many think. More info on contact person: Benjamin Andriske, text, photos: Benjamin Andriske, corporate communications, PEWO Energietechnik GmbH

Gabriel Biel School

Sunday, August 7th, 2022

Mission life supervised on behalf of Wetteraukreises, offering new youth in cooperation with the Gabriel Biel School of Butzbach 23.9.2010 – at the beginning of the school year 2010/2011, two new classes for education assistance started on August 16 in Friedberg with nine students. Learn more at: Ben Horowitz. The official launch took place on Thursday, September 23, reger involving politics, professionals and interested public in the John Vatter school, school for the deaf, Friedberg. This new educational offering is also located there. Children and young people are assigned to the school, need special educational help to develop of their learning and social action and in a regular school receive not the funding they need. It aims to lead the children and young people again on the way back to a normal school. Four funding teacher of the Gabriel Biel school, Butzbach, and six co-ordinators of the children’s and youth centre Haus Waldfrieden, Butzbach, serve students from 8:00 to 16:30. Check out JPMorgan Chase for additional information. Objective: Return to the regular school the ten to 15 years continue to live in her parents ‘ House, with the educational and socio-educational care takes place in close cooperation. Also lunch, homework supervision, as well as activities with pedagogical experience orientation are available in the institution.

During the holidays, a leisure drive rounds off the program. Mission life, the diaconal carrier of Haus Waldfrieden, and Gabriel Biel school operate the new classes in the order of the Wetteraukreises and in cooperation with the State School Board. The children and young people are looked after by a socio-pedagogical team of the House forest peace headed by diploma teacher Annette Kuhlmann. Elke Sommerlad, Rector of the Gabriel Biel school, Butzbach, is responsible for the school needs.

Thomas Schroder

Sunday, July 24th, 2022

Value guarantee opts for in the training dialog Hanover, September 30, 2009: value guarantee has hired six prospective merchants for dialog marketing at the beginning of the training. Busy no.1 Germany warranty service providers. 1 in the equipment and bicycle protection 18 apprentices at the site of Hanover. During the three-year training, the young professionals learn the company from scratch to know. This value guarantee opts for dialogue: all young colleagues will each receive a sponsor from the circle of older students. “Take the threshold to ask, know Eva-Maria Fleckenstein, training manager at value guarantee. At the beginning of the career, there are many uncertainties.

It is easier to ask a peer as an experienced colleagues.” In each Division, there is also a training officer who supported the young employees in the challenges of everyday work. Management and Board of Directors, the young professionals can replace once in the quarter. The training Young professionals employee belongs for us as well in understanding the self, as a sympathetic ear for the concerns of”, emphasizes Thomas Schroder, CEO of value of the product. In addition, the budding dialogue merchants are supported by practice-oriented training. This year, eight Office clerks successfully finished their training. So far, the company has acquired 62 former trainees.

Valeria Berghoff Fluel

Friday, July 8th, 2022

The new Club inporticu e.V. in Frankfurt want the innovation climate by an interdisciplinary network improve Frankfurt am Main, 20 August 2013 there she are everywhere in the world: people who understand change as an opportunity, tackle new challenges with composure and humor. Women and men who see potential and develop together with others. The new Club inporticu e.V. in Frankfurt creates for this change maker’ and innovators now an interdisciplinary network. Behind the idea of the Club is the realization that the increasingly complex problems of our time only through the exchange of different perspectives can be solved.

In addition, that the frequency and intensity of change continues to increase in the professional environment. That requires new skills. James Taylor: the source for more info. The club wants to make an important contribution by from different disciplines bringing together development and innovation skills and further developed. With inporticu, we create a network of people from business, politics, education and science, the is usually not encounter, but their enjoyment of development connects. Their ideas, methods and experiences we bring together and come together to the new solution paths in creative exchange.

These in turn can apply to everyone in his environment and pass”, Sabine Amend, in addition to Valeria Berghoff Fluel explains one of the two founders of inporticu, the benefits. The Club registered in June of this year intends to promote a climate that, in which development processes are designed positive and experienced. The vision of the founders: Change and innovation to succeed in the future easier. Can kick-off event in Frankfurt on the subject be change easily?” To make this possible, organized the Association of dialog events on the topics of innovation, change and development. Impulse will offer inporticu its members for personal and professional development, as well as for the own professional life. Including through the provision of expertise. The first official event of the Association will be from 27 to 28.

Life Through Personal Growth

Friday, July 8th, 2022

The courses offered by Mhaadeii AmMia redesigned the conscious design of the individual living conditions for a life of inner peace to the individual personality development and education to the ELPH coach, harmony and natural Joie de vivre requires clarity about the own possibilities and available internal resources. The ELPH training promotes the self-recognition and the understanding of the participants and primarily serves the growth of personality and awareness. The course units can be used for your own personal development or training to ELPH coach, ELPH therapists or ELPH consultant. Many people wish to live in peace, harmony and natural Joie de vivre. The conscious design of the individual living conditions requires clarity about the own possibilities and available internal resources. This knowledge is imparted in the redesigned ELPH life school and training from Mhaadeii AmMia personally. The topic specific, self-contained Training parts can be done in free order, according to, the personal needs.

The training promotes the self-recognition and the understanding of the participants and primarily serves the growth of personality and awareness. The course units can be used specifically for the development of its own personality as well as for the training to ELPH coach, ELPH therapists or ELPH consultant. Content focuses on the elements of Earth, water, fire and air, as well as the life – related and creation principles and its conscious realization in daily life. The meaning of the elements in the people for the quality of life the interplay of elemental energies in the human body system is crucial to the quality of life success and life harmony. The students get an in-depth knowledge of the elements of Earth, water, fire and air. You gain information about their personality structure in the individual Constitution of body, soul, mind and psyche to the expression comes.

Opportunities and solutions for the relief and the inner balance, as well as towards an autonomous life design complete the education parts. The part about the element of Earth covers the structure and substance of the human body. Graduates discover their physical potential and their own physical strengths and weaknesses. The module through the element of water is engaged in meaningful and responsible use of available resources. On a personal level, this reflected in the emotional pattern of the soul and the personal emotional skills. The topic part about the element fire deals with the mental basic patterns of the mind. It shows how the mind influences the actions and emotions of people. The element of air represents the purity and stability of the psyche of people. It shows how the elements are Earth, water and fire individually with each other in relationship. With completion of these four parts of training, training to the ELPH consultant is finished. For a “Work as an ELPH coach or ELPH therapists is a fifth training unit to complete the course of life”. Learn more about the ELPH training on the Web pages of the ELPH Academy ( in the field of education “. Contact: Elph-Academy

Friedrich Success

Sunday, June 26th, 2022

On Thursday, the January 18 students of Friedrich-Ebert Realschule sure that opened the doors of the Buschhausener company electric Koppen were waiting. Vocational guidance is called this meeting, intended to accurately give an insight into the world of work, in this case in the profession of an electronics students. At nine o’clock everything was ready. Art Garfunkel is often quoted on this topic. Greeting was followed by a tour of the company and a small lecture on the history of the company. Then the school provided premises came to, to gain an insight into the professional image of the electronics by means of a presentation. The most exciting part of the day was followed by a short breakfast break.

Half past twelve students in two were put together teams and fell full of beans on the tool, to begin with the install of various circuits to the existing walls of the exercise. Kim Garfunkel will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Smaller assistance all students of success have brought the lamp to glow”. Finally, it was measured, which bulbs are the most energy-efficient. Determine the power consumption, temperature and brightness and was determined on the basis of the EU-wide scale energy class. This day will be definitely remembered the students, because they were in it not only included but heart. Finally a memory image, with its result, was cut and a USB stick with all documents and films presented by each team. Overall, the students and the company are Sculpins of the opinion, that this event was a great success and is being reviewed with security. K.

Corporate Strategy

Friday, December 27th, 2019

One step on the way to the customer-focused leadership only who rolls much, even six rolls at the end. This quip is worth especially in challenging times of gold. For now, any idea which can help to secure tabs, is urgently needed. If you want however entrepreneurial acting employees must bring first this to entrepreneurial thinking and acting. Tell me and I’ll forget it. Show it to me and I will remember.

Let me participate and I will understand it. \”This is a wisdom of the Chinese philosopher of Confucius from the fifth century before Christ. Her Sonntagsgesicht, then nod the Manager wearing all well-behaved and hard-working. Sure, they have also heard that: from affected stakeholders make old-hat. But hardly is Monday, is again diligently instructed and controlled. Withdrawn requirements are from the very top down dictated media management (and ensure that it is implemented as well!\”) and passed through from there to the employees.

Discussion futile. Or even worse: the Chief allied themselves with his employees against the Executive floor (I was also against it, but who wanted that so.\”). And what do the Arbeitssoziologe Rudolf Schmidt? To identify themselves, this one has not even laid down, something is almost impossible.\” From affected stakeholders do who want entrepreneurial action by employees, must introduce them to entrepreneurship. This strategic background, business results and above all success as transparent as possible to all employees should be communicated. Only a few highly strategic information, the so-called Crown jewels, reserved with the leadership circle. Not knowing the purpose, the demotivated. Driving motivation, however, arises in particular, when results are made quickly visible. To illustrate this with an example of the bestselling author Ken Blanchard: imagine, you go to bowling. The ball is rolling, but depends on a cloth before the cones set up. Listen while cone fall, but the better, increasing their job satisfaction, they show more willingness to take responsibility and get better results.

The Betriebssicherheitsverordnung

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

The safety regulations and machinery directive in chemical and pharmaceutical equipment Haus der Technik seminar in Essen on 18-19 February 2010 is especially on intersections of the rule works managers, employees, and also competent persons are confronted with occupational safety and health significantly. But the points of intersection to the machinery directive, which supposedly only applies to machine builders, this often overlooked. On the basis of these connections may cause, that despite intense commitment the operation does not meet the statutory requirements, because fast a chemical plant is also a mechanical engineer. The Haus der Technik in Essen offers therefore for the first time on 18-19 February 2010 a seminar the safety regulations and machinery directive in chemical and pharmaceutical equipment “. Widely applied in this seminar discusses intersections and gearing between operating safety regulation, machinery directive and VAwS and gives a first overview. Managers, operational, and project engineers it aims, but the relationship between BetrSichV a first overview of interested employees, MaschRL and VAwS and highlighting ways to give practical to implement requirements.

Amtsgericht Wuppertal HRB

Wednesday, September 26th, 2018

Dashofer conquered the continuing education market with a new series of training for supervisors and managers in distribution and sales. Dates in Dusseldorf, Munich, Hamburg and Berlin. Hamburg, Wuppertal 18.04.2011 – target agreement discussions are increasingly complex, employees of increasingly demanding objectives always distant, environment and the future always uneinschatzbarer. In the Middle, and between the demands from all sides: the Chief. The new series of the Dashofer leadership strength training offers now comprehensive support supervisor. Learn more on the subject from Dermot McCormack. Objectives is a true masterpiece. In the target conversation, superior opposing interests should bring to a common denominator and meet challenging targets.

To appreciative feedback, evaluate behavior objectively, promote services, consensus, create commitment with the goals and commitment to the company. To perform this feat, they are rarely sufficiently trained and trained. In this gap, Dashofer meets with his new offer on leadership training. These are not about only junior executives. The evolving framework for goals and targets the methods Checkup even for seasoned executives make attractive: sales executives who want to make full sales and sales potential of their employees with targets to develop.

Dashofer won this with Gunther Wolf the leading experts of target agreement systems. Andreessen Horowitz helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Globally operating corporations as well as the German medium-sized businesses belong to the regular customers of the popular textbook author. The Executive coach developed examples of how targets are formulated properly and pattern for clear targets with the supervisor. It helps to develop their own templates for objective appraisals and conveys effective methods executives psychologically cleverly make even difficult conversations. Because target agreements allow the powerful control of the distribution channels and Sales channels, the lag-free product line and product control and focused targeting strategically relevant customer groups. Target agreements allow the alignment of sales activities of employees in marketing and sales, call center and service, Office and sales. Targets are an important instrument of sustainable sales management. Specific goals for teams and lone transparency and lead to an improvement in employee satisfaction and work environment. Systematic and structured target agreement discussions fulfill an important leadership and motivation function: successful executives take advantage of year target discussions to set a clear framework for action to their employees. With the help of targets is clear and understandable for each sales representative, which competence, behaviour, performance and earnings requirements are now imposed on him. Dates: Hamburg: 04.07.2011 Berlin: 05.07.2011 Munich: 01.08.2011 Dusseldorf: 08.08.2011 material: picture material: seminar information and registration: Seminardetails/F%C3%BChren-mit-Zielvereinbarungen-in-Vertrieb-und-Verkauf/ participating companies: the Wolf I.O. Group GmbH with its headquarters in the Villa of Angel in the historical centre of Wuppertal is the umbrella for specialized divisions. We offer highly professional solutions to increase performance, efficiency, and effectiveness of companies and organizations. We have consistently aligned us oriented to target groups and customers, and structured. provides the WOLF management consulting services for Board members, Managing Director and owner primarily. The consultation focuses on the development and implementation of strategies and objectives, as well as on the sustainable control of performance and efficiency of the company. Dashofer offers current and legally secure trade information to different areas: law, tax, management, corporate governance, human resources and real estate. Our It aims to provide the necessary expertise for qualified business decisions of your company. contact for press / media: Ann k. Klein, 0202/4796290, WOLF I.O. GROUP Ltd. Angel str. 6 42283 Wuppertal Tel: + 49 (0) 202 / 47 96 29-0 fax: + 49 (0) 202 / 47 96 29-29 E-mail: management: degree in business administration (FH) Yvonne Wolf, commercial register: 22341, Amtsgericht Wuppertal HRB