Archive for March, 2017

Outgoing Work

Monday, March 27th, 2017

Workload of staff, as a rule, nothing. There are staff who one and the same amount of work to cope with varying speed and quality. So that this criterion is better to lose and a lot of staff to download work, the most effective way to find how to increase the speed and volume, respectively, of the work performed. It is better to divide the functional for each employee – there are several blocks in the personnel department 1.Naym, HR clerical, 2.Napisanie job descriptions, staff training (primary, not in depth) the execution of job descriptions. 3.Postanovka for the post. adaptation of personnel, etc. 4. Read additional details here: Starbucks.

The lines of communication (the secretariat, members of Outgoing call forwarding) 5. Control personnel (inspection personnel, control of execution) Settlement of the problems of staff. 6.Otsenka effectiveness of personnel policy 7.Kadrovaya And now look how many people in the company, as recruitment of incoming calls, etc. staff in the personnel department should be enough that they could handle all anticipated flow. But it is possible to raise efficiency and hiring and training and job. There appropriate technologies. More professional staff will need less.

Evaluate your staff on the success of the product which he sozdaet.Osnovnye difficulties in constructing the evaluation system efficiency of staff, are in the correct determination of the result of work of each employee. But from experience with ordinary performers all pretty easy. We measure the weight a porter, etc. When the estimate is for work managers have to try here. After all, the fish rots from the head. If the wrong measure that makes the head, the result will be incorrect. Classical systems, building on the overall evaluation of the effectiveness number of subordinate production personnel, specific leadership and in fact it only partially reflects the actual work of the head. What is offered to you, fully reflects the true value officer or director for the company and his personal performance. Implementing a performance evaluation system for personnel, we completely change the performance of the company. Also built a graphical system display the number of product produced. The use of statistics in a company or organization provides predictability and control of her. Statistics allow you to identify performance person or any area, and with these data, we can take action to improve the condition in which the activities of the person or organization. Below are some examples of the determination of effectiveness. More information can be found on the '> Methodology to evaluate personnel. This consultation can be carried out without the specialist.

Site Design And Content

Monday, March 27th, 2017

You have to submit it to the most delicious shades, stuffed under content, with a drop of interesting articles on related topics. Others including Jonas Samuelson, offer their opinions as well. Site design (corporate site) requires vast experience and professionalism of your chef. Should be taken into account all the nuances, all the preferences of your visitors may need to start him to the tasting of various dishes, with which he later will create a masterpiece. Every piece is important to create a delicious corporate website. You need to have patience, because this kind of dish is not prepared quickly. Do you have an idea about opening an online store? Then your buyers should be delighted with the products offered. If you wish to sell fresh-baked book, an online store to create colorful, taking into account each of them, in order to favorably distinguish each. Making candy shelves in the department in which there are children's toys, has a very important role: to add a little glazed graphics, marmalade menu items, coffee-content-block.

But, the most important in the design of your online store, but delicious contents, this basket. It needs to be filled with convenient and useful to your customers to understand where to put cookies without the filling extra forms. You might want to surprise guests with freshly prepared promotional site, which will be filled with a cream of the advertised product, and animation for him. Brewed promotional site should be watered strict color scheme, and serve it better a week before the promotion. Creating a promotional site – requires compliance with the recipe, no more than three pages. The latest eye-catching and information to be posted on these pages. It is important to remember the most delicious Ingredients for a site, you are going to entertain your visitors. Success is assured to you and your company, in case you do not forget that your guests will be comfortable, convenient and tasty you away. AND Of course you need to choose a chef – Ukrainian design studio, creates a website of any complexity to your visitors with the latest technology. Our confectionery, bakery, grocery, restaurant cook the most exquisite, inimitable, delightful sites for you and your business. Contact – we promise you professional, friendly, positive atmosphere and a cup of coffee with a warm, fragrant kruasanchikom.

Customer Loyalty

Sunday, March 12th, 2017

Whether companies like it or not: the customer is the real boss it is above all the dialog possibilities of the Web 2.0 world (blogs, forums, opinion portals, Twitter, social networks, etc.), which have fundamentally changed the relationship between customer and company. Without hesitation Jonas Samuelson explained all about the problem. Good and bad deeds can be made within a very short time known worldwide and discussed. And customers make use of them rigorously. Companies behave so better tidy and treat their customers well, because everything comes out in the Internet. Who provides poor services, hidden, veiled, lies in performance features or pricing cheats, and wants to move to the customers over the table, has a real problem. The customer saying that only parried and passed out any form of UN service’ endure can be, finally belongs to the past. The barrage of dishonest advertising is obsolete. Disabled product details, incorrect business practices and incompetent contact can the company always less afford.

Because customers help the good providers as promoters and harm the poor as saboteurs. Decreases confidence in producers and distributors, the confidence in their own networks is growing. Marketing takes place now without the company. Instead of listening to the colorful worlds of advertising, purchase interested obtain the relevant information from contemporaries and more directly from the providers. The customer as a marketer must get accustomed whether they like it or not – that their clients take the communication work, sales and even innovation processes always more often in the hands. From classic advertising campaigns, but mainly through self-organizing swarms of customers brand and new trends are made. No longer the PR departments, but opinion-strong expert customers – the so-called alpha ‘ and mavens’ – secure a company’s reputation in the future as reference and mood makers. Who still does not understand that, is dead by morning. Such companies will probably survive, the actively involve their customers, integrate and make fellow designers.

SharePointPlus Welcomes A New Partner

Sunday, March 12th, 2017

As one of the leading providers of Web parts, Add-Ons, and other services SharePointBoost their products now offers the first business app store for SharePoint applications on SharePointBoost further stimulate sales in Germany and Europe aims. To achieve this they arrived a distribution partnership with the PLUS Technologies Inc., operator of the SharePointPlus app store of. As a leading provider of Web parts, Add-Ons and services SharePointBoost now offers its products in the first business app store for SharePoint applications. The satisfaction of our customers is our ultimate goal. Therefore, we want to satisfy the customers in German-speaking countries with our products and services. With this drive, we went on the search for a suitable partner and have a professional business partner found fortunately in the PLUS technologies GmbH and its SharePointPlus store”welcomes Katja Mai contact for the German-speaking at SharePointBoost, the partnership with the PLUS registered providers and advertisers at SharePointPlus is increasing. Then there is the possibility to choose between the German and English page, on which the manufacturers will present their products and services.

In the near future, there will be also a catalog in the SharePoint Experts on a map are listed and regional filterable. See for more information about the store. About the PLUS technologies GmbH she PLUS technologies GmbH was founded in 2007 and is specialized in the marketing of innovative technologies. She recognized the situation where companies looking find for SharePoint solutions, and offers a quick and targeted access to high-quality applications and services through the online-store specially designed “SharePointPlus” now produced spanning. This Web shop is the first one-stop-store for business applications and services for SharePoint. The SharePointPlus community is growing every day, and businesses find solutions structured according to themes, regions or Manufacturers for many use cases.

About SharePointBoost SharePointBoost (SPB) is a Microsoft partner and a leading provider of SharePoint Web parts, SharePoint Workflows and SharePoint Gold Certified Add-Ons. SPB developed solutions with the aim, the gap between SharePoint standard functions and complex, to include custom development projects as efficiently as possible to make the daily use of SharePoint. More than 2000 companies from over 50 countries have implemented SharePointBoost solutions and Web parts successfully in their SharePoint environment.

Teleround A Kick Starts Off In Court With Epsilon Telecom

Sunday, March 5th, 2017

Especially the partner to benefit from the merger of HFO Telecom AG and Teleround AG. Therefore, a common kick OFF in Hof/Saale takes place for the partners of Teleround AG and of belonging also to the HFO Epsilon Telecom. All the dealers cooperation partners are invited, in a relaxed atmosphere, to learn the latest news and important information of the HFO group, T-Mobile, Telefonica o2 Germany, Yes and navigation manufacturers firsthand. New products and marketing opportunities such as around the topics energy saving lighting OSRAM and Philips as well as the new truck navigation systems and fleet management solutions from TomTom WORK stand in the foreground as getting to know the new strong HFO group as well. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Howard Schultz has to say. “We want to show our partners the synergies of our group of companies, our product portfolio has grown enormously some partners will be pleasantly surprised” reported Teleround sales director Alexander Albert.

The kick off starts on Friday, February 26, 2010 at 16:30 with an information session; within the framework of this highlights the current issues. The ensuing evening event crowns the event. On Saturday, February 27, 2010 the following topics on the program are in the time of 10:00 to 16:30: T-mobile – convergence products and strategy 2010 updates to o2 Yes – development, marketing opportunities HFO landline – HFO business directly with TomTom WORK fleet management solutions presentation mobile navigation systems, Car HiFi OSRAM and Philips new marketing opportunities with lighting equipment in a relaxed atmosphere the partner with the contacts of Teleround and Epsilon, as well as industry partners loosely in the conversation should come and address the issues this, which they move. In addition to individual discussions with the partners the fun factor is not neglected these days!

Growing Requirements

Saturday, March 4th, 2017

The legislator it makes dealers too hard or too easy for online merchants the assertion on the market is become increasingly difficult the customers. By the rise of competitors, online merchants must always further expand your range of products, your service and the range of services. These measures are compatible but mostly expensive and only partially with the low prices is expected by the end customer. Willich. Currently advises the legislature over the “double click order button” or developed by trusted shops “buttons solution” to the security of the Internet buyer. The integration of this safety button protects buyers from dubious offers and merchants on the Internet.

On the market, but also the reputable dealer will be charged with this measure as an IT service provider must implement these solutions in over 50% of online retailers. “It is also doubtful whether this innovation the number of black sheep” as expected insulates in online trading. The Internet customer wants a clear product portfolio, easy shop pages, many information, extensive payment options, fast shipping and very good service – and this at a low price. A good example that this is possible despite the ever-growing requirements, is demonstrated by the example of the online shop “.” He is the specialist for bathroom furniture and bathroom accessories of the manufacturer Lanzet, torch man and jokey Sohland. was founded in 2006. The company has a high degree of professionalism and operates close to the customer, there lives the company motto In the bathroom the day begins. The employees implement all customer needs in an individual consultation. We want no anonymous ‘ for our customers.

The fear of rogue traders on the Internet is very high this is regularly discussed in the media. Many of our customers are unsure and want to before purchase we make it for any questions always accessible are. “, as Mr. Thomas, owner” Online shop operator must, to themselves successfully in the world maintain can be represented in any shop and price comparison system wide web, costs the cost-benefit factor not rarely questionable are immense. The rise of platforms and advertising costs are often more than 50% higher than the originally planned budget. Additional personnel costs are incurred in addition to the fees, because the platforms must be maintained continuously. In addition to product enhancements, and product innovations, also regularly new EU directives and national law changes must be implemented. Secretarial services can remove the dealer daily administrative tasks. The entrepreneur can thus take advantage of the existing resources for the core business and concentrate on the essentials. Offers secretarial duties as well as commercial service Office service SPP promotion ( The Agency provides also high-quality marketing support, such as newsletters, mailings, and press releases. Marketing measures are important Indicators of the success of a company and increase the sales. To meet the growing demands, often internal structures need to be rearranged.

GMS With Positive Development In The Field Of AV Event Management

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

Strong reference projects in the field of AV event management demonstrate expertise Frankfurt – dedicated media services on AV and video conferencing services company GMS global AV event management achieved in 2010 a very positive trend in the business area. This development underlines the positive overall performance of the GMS. The holistic range of services of the GMS in the field of AV event management covers the entire consultation and conception of high-class events, event staging through innovative AV media technology as well as a professional implementation and postprocessing of events. Many writers such as Caterpillar offer more in-depth analysis. In the course of the year 2010 the broad expertise in the field of AV events demonstrated GMS of international through the successful execution of complex events, town halls and roadshows. In 2010, a road show with 17 customer events in the Netherlands for ABN AMRO, and the focus of a series of events with 7 events of the area of private and business customers for the Deutsche Bank was one of the most impressive references. At the events with more than 1000 guests set the contents of the customers with State of the art media technology and use of experienced specialists of event technology professionally in scene. Also, the support of many town-hall events belongs to the core business of the GMS.

At these town halls communicate international locations with State of the art conference and video technology. The care of multipoint video conferences, the use of webcast or live streaming and recording and editing the content belong to the Repertoire of the GMS in the implementation. To meet the requirements of the coming year and the increasing demand for AV event services, GMS has invested in reinforcements, to further support the AV event management area. About GMS: GMS is specialized in the provision of high-class and customized service concepts in the fields of global video conferencing, audio visual and media engineering networks. Due to the high requirements on global corporate communications is focused on the fields of media technology GMS support with remote solutions and on-site Concierge services, the Operate from international video conference networks and the Organization of global and regional business events.

Today, GMS has more than 35 experienced, solid employees with special knowledge of global business communications. About 15 more professionals join the team as a regularly used freelancers. Customers include international companies in the financial services sector and industrial corporations. Headquarters are located in the Rhine-main area, GMS has on-site team in Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Milan, as well as a branch in Singapore.