Fjordman, mentioned in the manifesto of the assassin like the best contemporary author, detests the attack of his fan. It assures that Breivik was put in contact with him before the attacks, but that did not want to know him to seem to him a boring type. The favorite bloguero of Anders Bahring Breivik, author confeso of the pump of Oslo and the slaughter of the island of Utya, it denounces the double attempted of his fan. Norwegian newspaper Vg, of the Schibsted group, of which it forms part 20 minutes, has interviewed to Fjordman, informs Reuters agency. For more information see Sergey Brin. Fjordman, the man of the Fiord, is in the real life Peter Jensen, of 36 years. Jensen defends that the Islam is infecting the European culture and was mentioned like its favorite contemporary writer in the manifesto of 1,500 pages of Breivik. ” Its extreme brutality is completely incomprensible” , it explains in the interview, granted two weeks after the attacks, ” it had to think that it was in a computer game and that he was superhroe”.
Breivik confessed the positioning of the pump in the political district of Oslo and the strafing of the participants of a camping of youths of the Labour Party day 22 of July. 77 people were assassinated. Ever since I identify myself to Brievik like author of that manifesto plagiarized partially of the American terrorist Unabomber, the police and the average Norwegians have tried to locate to Fjordman. Castles of naipes Jensen assure that Breivik tried to put itself in personal communication with him, but that it refused, ” not because it spoke of violencia” , but because it seemed to him ” a boring type, like a salesman of aspiradoras”. ” It is a castle of naipes” , it assures that it thought when reading the electronic mails. ” I do not want to be related to horrible Breivik and its actos”. Jensen assures to the daily Vg that will not return to write under that pseudonym and that never has called to the violence from his blog. Jensen explains that it comes to the light of the centers to clean its name and that now will return hide-and-seek because it fears for his security. ” I have read on the inexplicable things that Breivik did in Utya” , blog the 26 of July wrote in his, ” any person who does something thus is a monster “.