Planting Cucumbers
Monday, March 9th, 2020Along with a tomato cucumber – the most popular garden plants. The fruits of his beloved by all true. Although the nutritional value of cucumber is low, 95% of it is water, but its delicious rich Zelentsy enzymes, mineral salts. There is in them, and vitamins, which help digest protein foods, and normalize gastric acidity, facilitate the work of the heart and kidneys. And cucumbers are useful to everyone at any age, especially obese people, and suffering cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases. Mask of grated cucumber whiten skin. Perhaps nowhere in the world do not salted cucumbers, as in Russia: with garlic, horseradish leaves, cherries, black currants and other spices. Fresh cucumber juice – a refreshing drink.
How could grow cucumbers, because not everyone can this culture? Share their experiences. Planting cucumbers intended for the type of cultivation, and two of them: horizontal and upward. In the first case cucumbers grow lashes on the ground. In the second – they grow on special laces or mosaic, attached to the hooks (frame), a hat, thus it is necessary to make the maximum percentage of the day the whole grid covered with light, and in case if a few flower beds, in order to mosaic with growing vegetables is not obscured by one another, because these vegetables are very demanding to the sun. For direct planting vegetables are allowed to plant out the data in a small oval patch, referred to as the holes that need to seat at a good distance from each other, and in long narrow beds. For the upstream seating more comfortable long, narrow ridges. Must sit in the greenhouse vegetables in Omsk.
In cold ground to germinate seeds of cucumbers are extremely protyazhitelno, thus, two or three days before planting them pull out of the box and soaked: use a cloth moistened with warm water, wrapped in a rag into the seed and in the container or packaging (this is called steeping). About time 2 a day is necessary to control and wet out of necessity. It is recommended to close off the air, so slowly dry out will be, but not isolated, so will begin to rot. If put it in a warm place or in the sun, then the process will go faster. Greenhouse can use polycarbonate in Omsk.