Social Historians
The sharing of the concept of sort for the social historians supplied subsidies necessary to fight the biological determinismo regarding slight knowledge of feminine masculine and, but some of the obstacles had still remained, mentioning the sort boarding to it reduced, that is, privileging only the experience of life of the women. Although the reorientation of the history of women taken the effect with the incorporation of the category sort has contributed to point out these personages in history as distinct social groups, socially constructed and not naturalized, however, it is observed that many of the works that had adopted the partner-historical perspective of sort with the pretension to reject causal the analyses reducionistas, had only continued limited to the study of the women and considering the social transformations in terms of relations between classroom and sex (BURITI, 2009). Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Michael Antonov on most websites. Buriti (2009) tells that ‘ ‘ these studies had privileged the comparative and descriptive dimension of the experiences of the sorts and not it use of the concept of sort under an ample look that if effective of Inter-relationary form and according to projects of significao that conducts each context of historicidade’ ‘. History as professional work pointed out the beginning of the study of these relations as a form of interaction subsidized for determined collective interests, with the conflicts imbricados in the laborial field in the plants. In terms economic politicians and, the historical research still remains in silence, however we notice a small current effort in the change of this picture, with intention to leave of if only atrelarem in the ethnic and racial 0 variable, leaving for other approaches. .