So Paulo

Posted by Ralf on October 28th, 2020 — Posted in News


It had a crucial paper in the validation of the environmentalist State during the period of government of Juscelino Kubitscheck. The ISEB was extinct after the Military Blow of 1964. 4 ‘ ‘ So that the revolution walked in a progressive direction, it would have the necessity of the Communists to support the small-bourgeois revolution, the victory of the industrialismo. Thus we would be producing a progressive movement that would dislocate the oligarchy agrarian of the power, placing in its place the industrials, through the smallone; ‘ (PANSARDI, 2002:95), of form that, in a relation dialectic, the development of the productive forces would bring I obtain the growth of proletarian conscience. 5 Usamos the term ‘ ‘ ortodoxos’ ‘ , in this in case that, for those marxists who make a reading ‘ ‘ escapologist’ ‘ of the work of Karl Marx, accepting without critical the results of the marxianos studies. The term, thus understood, is only configured as an instrument of language of common sense.

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