Social Service

Posted by Ralf on September 6th, 2017 — Posted in News


Thus, however it tends if to approach to groups that partilham stigma the same, therefore more accepted and they will be understood, however if to move away of it suddenly, or, of the opposite, to try to show that it can be ‘ ‘ igual’ ‘ to the normal ones searching to surpass its limitations. It is the case of carrying people of physical deficiencies that obtain to develop some esportivas activities. These social relations will have a determinative paper in its moral careira.

The moral career of the estigmatizada person is an important factor in the socialization process. One of the phases of this process ‘ ‘ she is that one in which the estigmatizada person learns and incorporates the normal point of view of …. One another phase is that one in which it learns that she possesss a particular stigma and … the consequncias of let us possess-lo’ ‘ (ibid, P. 41).

Of this form, the author still supports that ‘ ‘ the people whom a particular stigma has tend to have similar experiences of relative learning to its condition and to suffer similar changes in the conception from eu’ ‘ (they idem). Elencados all these processes, the author finally points the linking between stigma and shunting line, signaling that a group of individuals that it does not adhere to the norms possesss a desviante behavior. In this way, the prostitutes, the vitiated ones to drugs, the delinquents, the criminals, the jazz musicians, the bohemians, the gypsies, the parasites, the vagabonds, gigols, the show artists, the players, the malandros, them beaches, the homosexuals, and the impenitent beggar of the city would be enclosed, a time that, these people are considered engaged in a species of collective negation of the social order (GOFFMAN, 1988, P. 154-155). He fits then to stand out that the analyses of thematic Goffman on the here boarded one if constitute in a general panorama for the understanding of the dynamics in the social relations. For the professionals who act in the social treatment, as it is the case of the Social Service, to lean over themselves on this workmanship is a way to understand as the people deal with its condition inferiorizada in the society. He still fits to bring another question. Desviantes or not, estigmatizados or not, the individual always finishes exerting the identity of papers in social relations: however a common person can behave itself as a desviante person and vice versa, however a estigmatizada person can come to be or if to hold as a normal person and vice versa. This exchange of papers is explicit in the workmanship in analysis when Goffman (1988, P. 143) points the existence of the unit I-other, normal-estigmatizado, in which ‘ ‘ the estigmatizado individual can play both the papers of the normal-desviante’ drama; ‘.

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