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1999 user took part in the great reader’s choice on before a few days left in 2009 to end. Many new mobile phones and tariffs were introduced last year. As in previous years, a large survey started at the end of the year and asked its users, which manufacturers, network operators and mobile phones were the best of the year. 1999 readers responded, and now the results are fixed. Manufacturer of the year on the question of who was the best producer of the year 2009, 466 of the respondents have opted for the Korean manufacturer Samsung. The iPhone maker Apple with 288 votes ended up on second place. With 14 votes less and just behind it, the largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world, Nokia, has landed.
Mobile operator of the year although the smaller operators further expand their networks and promise a comprehensive cover, the Bonn Telecommunications giant continues with its mobile offering T-Mobile at the top in the question after the best mobile network. 41.7 percent of users of the D1 Network ranked elected one. The silver medal will receive for the best mobile network Vodafone in 2009 with 29.4 percent of the vote. Last year’s winner O2 (19.1%) landed in third place. Mobile phone discounter of the year with minutes and SMS prices lower bound characterized the discount stores under the mobile operators. On the question of which is the low-cost provider of best, there were neck and neck.
The Cologne telecommunications provider Congstar before the Discountpioneer Simyo with 277 votes won by a tight margin of twelve votes. Fonic chose 259 readers as best mobile phone discounter landed in third place. Multimedia mobile phone of the year at the exciting question of the best multimedia phone of 2009 Samsung swept first place. Almost a quarter (23.9%) user voted touchscreen mobile Samsung S8000 Jet for that. With some distance by ten percent, Sony Ericsson’s Walkman phone W995 landed on second place. Close behind Samsung could contend again with its 12-megapixel phone M8910 Pixon, to 12.6 percent of the voted. All-round mobile phone of the year in the vote to the all-round mobile phone of the year highlights Samsung with three positions among manufacturers. Best all-round mobile phone of 2009 according to the user is the Samsung S8300 ultra touch (24%), followed by Samsung’s best-selling Samsung S5230 Star (13%) and the Android phone Samsung Galaxy with 12.8 percent of the votes. Smartphone of the year of smartphones are among the defining trends of the year. But a unit could stand out among the crowd of new releases: Apple’s new version of the iPhone, the iPhone 3GS. 479 readers voted the Smartphone to the best of the year. Nokia with the N97 could place himself far and so every tenth vote. 9.8 percent of the readers chose HTC with its Windows phone HD2 on third place. Link to the news: news/17135.html has a large News area with newsletter and RSS feed, a mobile Finder, calculator, test reports, Forum, dictionary and much more. is with eight million page views (according to IVW) per month of one of the strongest range mobile portals in Germany.