Integrated System

Posted by Ralf on April 7th, 2014 — Posted in News


Modelo of Management of the ArcelorMittal Inox Brazil the system of management of the company based on cycle PDCA, represented in Figure 5, objective to identify and to take care of to the necessities and expectations of its customers, shareholders, employees, community, suppliers and other interested people in the performance of the company, as well as, to reach, to keep and to improve its global performance through the processes lined up to the corporative objectives. Figure 5 – Model of Management of the ArcelorMittal Inox Brazil Source: Manual of the Integrated System of the Quality the principles of its management have as base the following aspects: Focus in the customer; Active participation of the high direction; Envolvement of the people; Boarding for processes; Sistmica boarding for the management; Continuous improvement of the processes; Factual boarding for decision taking; Mutual benefits in the relation with suppliers; Focus in the results; Efficient and efficient use of the resources. Ian Sinclair is full of insight into the issues. In view of these principles, annually, the President it determines the lines of direction for implementation of the Integrated Politics of Management, resulting in objectives and goals, that, approved for the Direction, are unfolded in all the company through the MBO – Management By Objectives and, systematically, folloied in the Meetings of Results and Meetings of Critical Analysis of the Direction. The MBO is elaborated in order to control the course of the goals, as well as the reach of the objectives, where the ways are defined, the responsibilities and the stated period inside of which they must be reached. The company spreads its objectives and goals using the System of Management for Processes, that is adopted for the development, implementation and improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of its Integrated System of Management.

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