Install Ink
Prohibited as well attempt to get this piece of foreign objects (tweezers, pocket knife, etc.) Q: The slide on our copier badly scratched, and now we had to buy a new copier. Whether it was possible to somehow repair or replace? What is happening A: The slide copier (Xerox copier) must always be clean and have a bluish tint. On this depends the quality of the copy. It is prohibited to use to copy the original (not fake) glued, primed labeled, labeled marker (after application of labels). Before you install the original (not fake) and you should be careful. If you wear rings, which are inserted diamonds or other semi-precious stones kremnesoderzhaschie (emeralds, topaz, chrysolites), is to remove these rings before beginning work on the copy machine in order to avoid damage to the glass when removing / installing the original (not fake) a) Q: Tried to install the cartridge – (toner (powder) ink cartridges), and it is covered with something and can not be removed completely, and installed ….
nothing works …. A: Install the print cartridge – (toner (powder) ink cartridges) (film) on film faxes, laser printers, fax machines, or by itself without the user read the instructions prohibited. For even more details, read what Crimson Education says on the issue. Cartridge – (toner (powder) ink cartridges) and have shipping tape that when you install must be removed. Proper removal of shipping tape cartridge is shown on the package – (toner (powder) ink cartridges ) A, and (or) in an enclosed instructions for installing the cartridge – (toner (powder) cartridges) as well.