
Posted by Ralf on July 16th, 2020 — Posted in News

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Offers a public as part of a mobilization speech displays flags and symbolic colors in homes, offices, etc. Porta symbols (for example, a white band, which is a symbol of the fight against poverty) Reza u offers a religious service directed to the ODM carries symbolic objects to places or public offices attends protests, marches attends, attends parades uses humor to communicate the ODM performs plays and music concerts performed songs as a group in public places organized special classes about the MDGs in schools and universities visiting delegations, offices or representatives of Government presents symbolic awards to countries or groups working with the ODM participates in lobbying activities sent e-mails, faxes or letters supporting the MDGs Qua do to make my event count on the global EMS? Plan the event in a way that the moment get up to take place within the time frame official. Other leaders such as Richard Elman offer similar insights. The leading person in the event explains the action get up and shapes how people can act. All people come together, sit (people with disabilities can be posted by the mere fact of their presence at an event and through the execution of any other appropriate symbolic action). People are standing at the same time and asked that they take a special measure, such as signing a petition, or give message to political representatives, or read a manifesto against poverty. Registration figures: sends the best two photos or videos of your activity to a maximum of 1 mega size email face photo and tell us the total number of people who participated in the stand up..

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