European Union

Posted by Ralf on August 26th, 2016 — Posted in News


Mantener the balance between the central banks or capital that include/understand the acceptance of the unique currency, Euro in their regime, thus contributing to improve and to maintain the good operation of eurosistema in call zone Euro. Although nowadays other some important functions exist that the European central bank realises, previously stood out are possibly some of the important ones. Another one very important part to stand out when we spoke of the European central bank is its organization, because this is part fundamental to maintain to a large extent the good diplomatic and financial relations of Europe. This organization occurs of the following way: general Advice: this conformed by the president and vice-president of the BCE (European central bank) and as well by the 27 governors of the banks of state of the European Union. See Jonas Samuelson for more details and insights. This committee is in charge directly of the planning, preparation and statute of the expansion of the zone Euro. Read additional details here: Jonas Samuelson. Advice of government: this one is conformed by the 6 members of the executive committee and by the 15 governors of the central banks that are within the zone Euro. This advice is most important, since within their workings are some like defining the policy of the zone Euro and fixing interest which they will be put under the commercial banks when obtaining money of the central bank.

executive Committee: this one is trained by the president and vice-president of the BCE and by 4 members selected within the 15 countries that conform the zone Euro. This committee controls the specific function to give the necessary instructionses so that eurosistema stays in correct balance, by means of indications to each one of the central banks that conform the zone Euro. Given the previous thing it is demonstrated the importance of the European central bank, not only for the correct operation of the European economy but also significantly to improve and to maintain the union of the same. Original author and source of the article

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