
Posted by Ralf on November 11th, 2019 — Posted in News


In this context, the culture is had as science: to have culture is to have knowledge and to have knowledge is to have capacity of to take care of to the material and individualistic production. This model of school, technical established in the conception of natural sciences, finished safeguarding for ones few the domain of science and the technology and, consequently, thus obeying, to a conception of professionalization it education. On this subject, express Rasp (1974, p.75), referring it education in Brazil in the pombalina age: ' ' (…) in first the 250 years of the history of the country, our pertaining to school system was constituted of seminaries, what it does not leave of being an education, rigorously, professional, although this type of education today to be called ' ' humanistic ' '. These ' ' colgios' ' they can be considered an elementary type of professional superior education (formation of priests and bureaucrats), what it confirms the teses: ) the modern pertaining to school systems are initiated for superior education, b) superior education were always a professional education, c) what it is called, today, of ' ' humanismo' ' , it was simply. The primitive form of profissionalizao' '. It is noticed that education in Brazil in the pombalina age if articulated in the direction of estratificar the conception of education and, therefore, the function of the educator by means of the privation knowing constituted of them of this educator, interposing itself it enters the speech of the professor and of the pupil for one it says technique and specialized and reducing the context of the classroom to a circulation context to know that few directions and few purposes printed the relation teach/learning. Ahead of this professional model, Contreras says (1997, P. 64): ' ' There basic Idea del model of racionalidad technique you are that there practical profesial consists en there solucin of problems by means of there aplicacin of un conocimiento theoretician y technician, previously disponible, that investigacin proceeds woollen scientific.

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