Calendar Days
Register account – selected register accounting, which is formed by a list of charges for the calculation of the average wage. 2. Register for limiting the amount of consideration – to be filled in if the registry account of the average wage differs from the account register, which determines amount compared with the sum of the boundary. Acting on a certain amount of time the boundary, over which the data are not included in the calculation of the average wage is introduced at the bottom of the DF "Typical average salary." For example: The amount of the average salary for calculating payment for sick leave account to register the average wage does not include the amount of vacation. But given the amount of vacation total payroll exceeds the sum of the boundary, acting on this period. The average salary for not fully spent a month under the current legislation is necessary to count taking into account the boundary is proportional to the amount of time worked. To account for the amount of vacation the total amount you must select the appropriate registry account in the "Register of accounting for the boundary sum." 3.
Number of months – the number of months involved in the calculation of the average wage. 4. Category timing – category for time in the calculation of the average wage. Can be one of the following: – Calendar Days – When creating transcripts for the average salary in the amount of time deciphering the determined calendar days during the period.