Unique Creations
I feel sorry for those people who create unique and unrepeatable beings. The truth is that we are not original or even in our own name. I couldn’t verify it after you have created the protagonist of a modest novel, the Executive. I called him Miguel Angel Astiz, because it seemed like a highly unlikely and plausible, euphonious name that coincide with any other real-life. Because I was wrong.
Months after the book on sale, got a call from the editorial: Hey: a Miguel Angel Astiz asked for you. How do you say? You’re kidding, I know that it sounds like a joke, but it is the pure truth. It was. Fortunately for me, the man didn’t have any nasty intention but, learned of the onomastics coincidence, only felt curiosity for the fact produced and wanted to know how was the eponymous character of the novel. Also the circumstance intrigued me and after a deep introspection I swear that my choice had not responded that it had known the name previously, neither any failed Act would say Freud, or other dark or hidden motivations, but simply to chance. Intrigued, however by the case, I got to dive over the Internet, which is a sort of secular Grail that all went today in search of illumination. To my surprise capital letter, I found five people with the same name: an important engineer of bridges, a now deceased navarro journalist, an auditor of the Court of Auditors Basque, an architect and until a bowls champion, I don’t even know what it is. Dumbfounded, I dared to enter my own name in the computer search engine.
Or tell them the amount of Enrique Arias that I found: Express us all at the same time copariamos the square. From that moment I experienced a forced lesson in humility. I’m not anyone special, I said, but someone interchangeable, therefore I already fear receiving a traffic ticket, subpoena or embargo which maybe is for another but, given that all equal, at worst me falls to me.