The SAP-ERP add-on for fTRACE is presented by OSC. In the age of globalization and the food scandals the information needs of the consumer is after the origin of the products, including their contents increased significantly. With the consumer information tool fTRACE consumers via Smartphone and QR-code can, to the farmer and suppliers to trace back fresh meat products before the purchase directly at the POS. It can display information about the origin and the location and date of slaughter and packaging on the display of the mobile phone. Also, the system in conjunction with GS1 standards provided information which can batch exactly identify products in the event of a recall.
For the realization of a complete chain of information in the fTRACE Portal interfaces must be implemented along the logistics chain of the production process, submit the required data on the origin and processing. Also has to dispatch automated identified can, what raw materials with which information in the product arrived so that transmitted this information to the next partner. For the implementation of fTRACE in SAP ERP environment is the prerequisite a batch traceability from the sales to the goods receipt. OSC has developed for this request the SAP Add-On for fTRACE ERP and will present at the LogiMAT 2013 this interested visitors. Batch exactly to make together the information from suppliers, they are stored in specially created structures to the charge of the suppliers. The reading, processing and assembling of fTRACE data is independently running jobs.
This eliminates interference with existing standard processes. In addition, a cockpit is provided that allows monitoring of all interfaces and data processing related to the fTRACE process. Here appears precisely to the minute, how is the status for each individual batch or supplier charge. Thus, it is possible to remove from IT day-to-day monitoring and on the responsible Department to pass. “OSC at the LogiMAT 2013: let your logistics run.” events/logimat-2013 / company description founded in 1993 in Lubeck, open system consulting company (OSC) is positioned as the ERP pilot for the middle class. At the heart of the OSC services are the holistic management consulting and the implementation of the concepts with products of SAP AG, Walldorf. The company employs currently 80 permanent staff in four offices (Lubeck, Hamburg, Hannover and Dortmund) with consulting revenues of more than EUR 8 million in 2011. Since November 2012, OSC is a subsidiary of the all for one Steeb AG Group of companies.