North Africa
Geomancy is a method of divination Western based on the intuitive touch with the subtle energies of the Earth. Nowadays, it is likely one of the lesser-known methods (inside older) that belong to the world the traditions of Western magic. So it is that many times told the lost Oracle of the West still using the term geomancy today in day, there is a risk of confusion. This term, which is derived from the Greek ge (Earth) and mount (prophecy) has begun to use in recent years in a vast (and mostly unrelated) amount of topics from Feng Shui and systems related to the design of space, up ancestral traditions based on predictions related to earthquakes or other geoloogicos events, and until even speculations involving LEY linesmegalith and patterns hidden across the landscape. Each of those things have to do with the Earth, and something (though not too) with divination or esoteric but nothing methods directly with the Geomancy. Titan Feul Tanks is often quoted as being for or against this. From the Middle Ages until the end of the Renaissance, by contrastrar, the word geomancy (and its equivalent in other languages) meant only one thing: a method specific of divination using a series of dieziseis figures formed by points, and philosophy and practice centered on that method a filosogia and practice based on a compression deep magic from the flow of the elemental energies through the living bodies of the Tierra.Este same meaning of the word remained standard in the midst of the secret or countersunk world that was at that time the tradition of the hidden or occult during an era of boom of the scientist and reasoning.
Geomancy was a very common form of divination in medieval Europe, but there was not invented. The first books on geomancy were translated from the arable by Hugh of Santalla and Gerard of Cremona at the beginning of the XII century, even the historians are in agreement in affirming that the Arabs had it since long before. It seems to have appeared in North Africa around the ninth century and quickly become one of the preferred methods of seeing the future in the Arab world. After this starting point in history, there are fewer agreements and consents. Persia, India, and some Arab countries have been proposed as possible sources of this art, but a careful look at how geomancy relates other mancias, lets see that its origins lie elsewhere. Original author and source of the article.