Fireplace Renovation

Posted by Ralf on June 15th, 2017 — Posted in News

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Who can constantly check his chimney and redevelop, avoids sources of fire in the long term. Austria far around 25,000 fires occur (source: Again and again it happens that these are caused by a defective chimney. Ahrens Schornsteintechnik shows how such damage can be avoided by correct and especially timely rehabilitation. Jim Umpleby often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Total fire damage for all Austria total 218.018.000 euro per year.

Fires suffer every year between 50 and 100 persons death, about 300 people suffer serious injuries. Who constantly check his chimney the chimney is the minimizes the risk of a chimney fire many times over. The chimney sweepers acts as a fire expert and an extended arm of the Building Authority. A defective chimney, the operator of heating is required to consult a professional for chimney restoration. With over 35 years experience and market leadership in the chimney renovation Ahrens acts quickly,. uncomplicated and based on modern machines and techniques without great dirt”, says Managing Director Mathias Ahrens. First signs a flue that is corresponding to the requirements take seriously the efficiency of the heating reduced enormously. A regular review of the flue allows the early detection of renovation-needy plants.

Here, it is not too long to wait. But what can happen if once not in time to be rehabilitated? Versottungen in the fireplace of course represent only one possible result of this. This aggressive sulphuric acid and soot on the wall of the chimney liner is reflected. To avoid this soot, you could increase the exhaust gas temperatures, meaning but increase fuel consumption. This shows that the economic operation of an existing fireplace installation without adjustment work shows only disadvantages. Many companies offer chimney restoration, but not everyone offers the quality, which expects the customer and also deserves. Professional advice is here, otherwise unnecessary risk taken. Not for nothing Ahrens may refer to as leader, when it comes to chimney restoration. The free hotline 0800 / 201550 we offer the opportunity to learn about effective remedial interested,”emphasizes the gew. Managing Director, Bmst. ing. Edmund Drohojowski, the high product and quality of advice by Ahrens. More at

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