What we do to improve the environment

Posted by Ralf on December 13th, 2011 — Posted in News


The actions outlined carried out thanks to the introduction of this new management system are: Water consumption: Placement flow reducers in unloading tanks in rooms. Placement flow reducers on taps and showers of the bathrooms of the rooms by reducing water consumption by 50 . Placing posters in the bathrooms of the rooms on water saving tips. New York Power Consumption Electricity disconnector with magnetic key in all rooms. Buttons timers in public restrooms. Disconnectors Sensor lighting on the ground floor. Solar panels for water heating. Awareness of customers, suppliers and employees of the hotel. Charles training to all staff to reduce consumption and for proper segregation of waste. Information to our suppliers and contractors of our waste segregation instructions and good environmental practice. Customer awareness of saving water and detergents, giving the possibility to decrease the frequency of washing towels. Awareness of customers on the segregation of installing waste bins suitable for proper segregation of waste at the rooms as well as informative posters instructions for proper separation of the same. It also has created a recycling in the parking lot. Product consumption and waste segregation. We have changed many other cleaning products that have eco-label, ensuring a lower environmental impact. It takes a thorough survey of consumer control and segregation of waste. We are rapidly developing as shares changing packaging much of the raw materials needed to reduce the volume of waste generation and that these are not harmful to the environment.

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