Electronic Mainframe

Posted by Ralf on June 25th, 2019 — Posted in News


Therefore as example we have the strategy of the Electronic Mainframe, that stops leaving suffocates it counted on the contribution of its employees in the elaboration of the mission, vision and strategies of the company, of this form it obtained to absorb the creativity, motivation and comprometimento of all (CHIAVENATO, 2008). The reason of the great success of the HP is the adopted democratic model in the company, where the employees act of direct form in the decision taking. For more information see this site: mozes victor konig. The human capital is its active greater. Let us see some characteristics that guide the HP, mentioned for Chiavenato (2008, P. 184): Decentralization? The collaborators have autonomy in the taking of decision in its sectors of performance, in set with the team. Comprometimento with the staff? Exactly in the great crisis of 1970 the company if refused to fire the employees, through an agreement of wage reduction of 20% the group if she kept unbroken.

Change and innovation? To remain in the market the company it depends on launching of new products and alone through the creativity of the collaborators, if it makes possible. Quality of life – the company cousin for the quality of life of its internal customers, the same ones are dealt with respect, participate of the profit of the company and etc.? Empowerment? base collaborators have to be able at the moment to take decisions. Another example is the ASEA BROWN BOVERIA, a colossal electronics equipment producer that, foreseeing the changes global, it decided to anticipate and to leave in the front. According to Chiavenato (2008, P. 216) its main action had been: ' ' it was organized around of miniunits, it fortified its employees with empowerment, flattened its hierarchy and it eliminated the central staff of matriz' '. With auto-managed teams it had agility and efficiency in all as well as the units and the satisfaction of the external customers who will be able to have its claims taken care of without bureaucracy. Chiavenato (2008, P. 216): Its employees have authority to take decisions of its proper business, without needing assent of the top administration. If a customer has a complaint regarding an equipment of US$ 50,000, the employee of a minicompany can approve its substitution without having to ask for permission for some hierarchic levels. With this attitude the company speeds processes, keep the satisfaction of the external customers, beyond keeping its motivated and engaged team.

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