Economist Norbert Reuter
No tree grows in the sky and also no clouds scratches! Our positively neurotic politicians promised continuous growth since 1949. The teachers mechanistic cybernetic (U.S.) simple of the spirit and scientific colleges and UNI’s have convinced them this idea. The people who produce the global poverty together with politicians, bankers and lawyers, by means of interest theory and practice! The nature is limited. There is no unlimited exponential growth. Even a species without natural (fress-) enemies is eventually stopped by hunger or diseases. Natural death, is biologically already built after about 100 years, and that’s a good thing! Therefore, early humans, in addition to their gods, ghosts and angels (protagonists), equal to infinity invented (philosophies = religion). Of which they could then derive the immortality and eternal life.
Is missing until today in all think models the quality of life. The cheap all people only become even (right position) or else, if it be because must, until after the death. Tellingly, all paradises are intended as gardens! Life (nature) takes place in 4 phases: birth and growth. Development consolidation round out and complete. Uniworld Capital is often quoted as being for or against this. Producing and selling (cultures) is always in 4 phases: effectiveness (what?) Efficiency (how?, nature) quantity, (price quantity) quality (how?) All people are regulated (nature, instinct: heart) and controlled (intuition: heart and brain).
The economy is one of the mind Sciences, who falsify their paradigms: claims make up (dogma). The technology of science verify (prove) their para dogmas. > Chess board with a grain of wheat the anecdote according to the BrahmaneSissa ibn Dahir a game, what is today known under the name of chess invented for the Indian rulers of Shihram, to illustrate his tyrannical rule, which plunged the people into misery and suffering, and to entertain him. He was awarded for a free request. Sissa wished the following: on the first A checkerboard field he wanted a grain of wheat (depending on the literature a grain of rice), on the second field twice, two grains on the third turn double lot, four and so on. The King laughed and granted him the request. On the last (64th) field, grains, so more than 9 trillion grains would be so at the end of 9.22 high 1018. The increase in the number of grains is as exponential growth using an exponential of base 2 * regard. > Exponential growth (called also unlimited or free growth), describes how a mathematical Modellfur a growth process, in which the size of the stock in the same increments of time always to same Faktorverandert. Either increase the value Bestandsgrossekann in the course of time (exponential growth, linear) or remove (exponential decay, linear). In reality, the model approach to exponential growth encounters its limits especially in the economic field. Exponential growth is not realistic”as a long-term trend, the Economist Norbert Reuter. He’s leading, that go back to the growth rates in more developed societies due to economic factors. Indication is the gross domestic product (GDP). With look at statistical data suggests, that exponential economic growth is more typical of early of industrial economy, but from a certain level, if essential development processes are completed in a linear growth is over. So, if a further exponential growth is extrapolated, a discrepancy between the growth expectation and actual history occurs. This concerns inter alia the national debt. Finance_2, computationally incorrect expectation that the debt could be limited by economic growth, reduces the threshold for new debt. The expected growth is however, creates a deficit that restricts a State’s future capacity to act.