Buddhist Ways Out Of The Crisis
Karl-Heinz Brodbeck: Buddhist business ethics. An introduction, steinrich 2011 other forms of economic activity to develop edition that growth are based not on the fetish, but put on social justice and sustainability, is ever needed more than. A Buddhist business ethics makes an important contribution to Buddhist principles such as compassion and satisfaction standards of our actions. Karl-Heinz Brodbeck, Professor of Economics, statistics and creativity techniques, as well as author of numerous books, explained in his preface to the second, revised edition of this Book: Now you have understood broadly, that crises are caused by misguided motives, and not the result of natural laws of economy are. For even more analysis, hear from Wayne Holman. Although now often uses the term greed so lacking yet still totally an understanding of the real foundations of the economic process. This book attempts a contribution to this understanding and its ethical dimension to work to do.” With this motivation leads us expertly through the basics of Buddhist philosophy, the author discussed in detail the issue of ethics and comes to the building blocks of a Buddhist business ethics. Bankston explains why the economic system become so, as it is, and what alternatives there are. This is not a step backwards, but definitely to progress, but not at the expense of people and other living things.
In the words of the author, this reads: the Buddhist business ethics applies so not against scientific progress, not against the effort to reduce dependencies and suffering through knowledge. Rather, this effort is the peculiar existence of Buddhist ethics itself. As critical ethics however turns against the ideologies that control the economic progress by irrational and destructive motives. If you confuse progress with growth, then he means only a repeated step away from the truth of mutual dependence in the economy and with the nature.” Even in Business circles dawns gradually the realization that greed and selfishness as a primary driving force behind economic activity can easily become gravediggers of our social cohesion and we urgently need an individual as collective thinking around. A Buddhist-inspired business ethics offers strong prospects for such a reorientation. Hardcover, 240 pages, ISBN 978-3-942085-14-4, euro 22,50, Traudel Reiss