
Posted by Ralf on August 19th, 2021 — Posted in News

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This activates the alternative path of the output of sweat from the body, he begins to stand out in "places of least resistance" – on the back, chest, arms, etc. Antiperspirant, yet However, to help people with excessive sweating, especially in summer. It is true that those who are different individual sharp smell, can not help, since microbes are virtually destroyed. Apply them to the morning after a shower, and in end of the day have to use soap to cleanse this area to pore over night to "relax." Antiperspirants are contraindicated during intense physical exertion in the bath and sauna, is wherever you are strongly sweating. The second category of funds, proper deodorizers. They destroy the root cause of the smell, creating an unfavorable environment for finding and breeding in areas bromobaktery armpits or feet. This decision may be called physiological and therefore preferred, because the functioning of all body systems, including the mechanism of sweating is not violated. Antiperspirants, usually contain antibacterial agents, natural oils and plant ingredients soften the skin, sometimes inhibitors of enzymes responsible for the formation of odors.

Contraindications to the use of deodorants do not. They are even suitable for the skin with increased sensitivity, since as a rule, do not contain alcohol. The intensity of sweat they have virtually no effect, we normally sweat but not smell. There are deodorants, odorless, which makes it possible use your favorite perfume. There are deodorants that use once a week, they put on night after a shower, because they need time until morning to deal with the bacterial flora. These deodorants are perfect people leading an active life, that is, almost everything. One such tool "Lavilin" – cream deodorant from an Israeli company Hlavin. One drop of cream is enough to prevent the emergence of the smell of sweat, at least for 5 days! Neither sports nor water treatments do not reduce the effectiveness of his actions! Lavilin is remarkable as the fact that: it contains no alcohol and aluminum oxides does not clog pores, does not violate the sweat glands work absolutely reliable – suitable even for sensitive skin, it is based on extracts of herbs arnica and calendula recommended for men, women and teenagers do not have a smell does not leave marks on clothing and does not dry your skin comes in two modifications to the body and legs is economical – one jar lasts for a year has an international patent for more than 30 years in the global market, highly appreciated in Japan, Switzerland, Germany, UK, USA, Canada and even in the 21 countries was tests at leading universities and laboratories in Israel and abroad Lavilin – President of deodorant!

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