
Posted by Ralf on June 9th, 2016 — Posted in News

The actions of the Ibex that must be purchased 21 August 2009 the markets are still stunned by the blow that apply the crisis. Without a doubt this is the most logical explanation that can be found to give a justification to says what the Economist about the existence of roles of Spanish companies that are traded at prices of balance. Do they reflect the markets the real value of companies? It seems that not both in times of crisis. If one observes the evolution of the IBEX 35 in Spain bag, one can appreciate the amazing recovery observed since its low in early March at 6,817 points until the current 10.892,5 a 59.8% in just five months is not bad in these lean times. No doubt the dismay invade more than one for not having warned such recovery. But calm, since the best is that it is still away from highs it had in November 2007 when it threatened to break the barrier of the 16,000 points (reaching a maximum of 15.946 points) and there is still margin for the illusion. While I am not as optimistic about the possibility of the Ibex follow ascending much more since much of their businesses depend on a Spanish with enough trouble economy, must confess that yes I am optimistic with several of his papers whose results depend on Moreover, and in large measure, on the evolution of the business that companies in other countries… Certainly the collapse in the price of the most representative of the Spanish stock market shares has probably punished to several of them in an exaggerated way frightened by the strong deterioration of the economy. We don’t have to forget that Spain is one of the European economies worst hit by the crisis subprime and will be one of which most take on the economic recovery.

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