Posts Tagged ‘Business’


Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022

Today's labor market is oversaturated with young professionals with good education and little experience. Improve their competitiveness can be learned quickly and accurately process information. In While studying at the institute, these abilities are also needed – no coincidence students consider one of the most popular groups. And if the specialist can choose, with some concern the field work, students must simultaneously explore multiple disciplines. Consequently, the management skills of reading and keeping in mind the information is also relevant in the period of study and preparation for professional work.

Success in school and work determined not only by mastering the maximum amount of data to their application in practice. Now it is irrelevant. Adrian Edward Simon is likely to agree. Ten or twenty years ago, knowledge was in demand, now come to the fore the ability and skills. Teachers in colleges and employers pay attention on them. Ability to think quickly and use the information in practical activities are valued more than "dead weight" of knowledge. Concrete benefits The company brings in the first place, practice, and not theoreticians.

Survey of leading businessmen allowed to identify the factors and personal qualities that contribute to success and professional heights. In the first place proved communication, useful contacts, on the second – luck – the third power. Possession of information took fourth place with a time lag from the first three. Thus, the experience of people who have already achieved success, confirms the importance of abilities and their precedence over knowledge. This is especially true for those who have no links and did not want to rely on luck.

Carlos Estrada Mellado

Sunday, December 12th, 2021

Some of them are not strong swimmers, and the idea of entering deep water is actually a phobia. I had never gone deeper to my waist one quote.You don’t have to be a good swimmer to dive. Add to your understanding with Yves Bissouma. Diving instructors can also put to test their ability to swim with tuba as second option. The good part about the diving is that we must first test the equipment in a swimming pool, where you can see if the team can breathe easily underwater. After or during the diving courses, you will learn all the safety rules and exercises that have been implemented to make diving safer. Fear of sharks: Somebody once wrote: the easiest way of avoiding encounters with shark is simply not come into their habitat. I’ve never seen one on the Mainland.

-Very true, but I have more than 500 dives recorded in my notebooks of diving, until I got tired of writing them, and I only saw once a nurse shark. I also remember a friend who told me about this cave that housed four or more sharks. We decided to dive and see for yourself, but being in the cave, this, once it was empty. It must be remembered that not all sharks are aggressive, and most of the attacks occur when the sharks, a curious creature which uses its bite to find out if you are in its menu, confuse us with your meal. Conclusion: for our conclusion about the fear of diving we will use what one of our visitors, Carlos Estrada Mellado, he cited once: diving, something feared by some, but those who dare not cease to enjoy it. I would like to add that please keep within limits diving, they know the risks of diving maintain safety while diving and always enjoy it.

Goods Carriage

Thursday, April 30th, 2020

The contract, by its nature is not only mutual (between the carrier and the customer are the mutual responsibilities) and compensated (must be paid), and in some cases it is consensual. In this second party represented by the shipper must pay the carriage at the rate of a fixed amount. It is worth remembering that the business entity has no right to give preference to one customer over another in regard to the conclusion contract. Price of works and services provided by the organization, set the same for all customers except for certain categories of customers with certain benefits. You may be interested in transportation or international transportation of goods, but it is important to distinguish for themselves the concept of "transportation" and "freight".

Although it is quite natural if you have already formed an opinion about what these concepts absolutely identical to each other. Both these concepts are applied in law and they are undoubtedly identical. Keep in mind that not every spatial movement of goods can be called a carriage. For example, when the technological transportation of goods, which runs its own transport or a physical entity, there are no obligations on carriage of goods. All the difference is that freight is carried by mandatory contract, which brings with it not only valid, but based on the principle of equivalent compensation for services rendered.

It is logical that transportation of goods that can not be, because the movement is its own vehicle and, therefore, the conclusion of a treaty is impractical. By the way, at the conclusion of the contract no harm would discuss the issue of the customs clearance of cargo. Transport companies, taking for providing this service, thereby relieve you of unnecessary worries tons of headaches. This article was reflected only certain aspects and features of the contract of carriage of goods, which are given to illustrate the importance of preparation and study of various legal documents relating to shipping.

European Parliament

Wednesday, August 29th, 2018

The EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) Regulation is an environmental audit and management system recognized by the European Union that seeks to regulate and improve the behavior of public and private organizations in this field. The European Union recognizes all EMAS organizations through its logo, which guarantees the veracity of the environmental statement that these organizations are obliged to offer to the public. This logo can be used on your letterheads, service announcements, products but not directly about these products or their packaging. To enable companies to achieve its purpose of obtaining a continuous environmental improvement and become an organization EMAS must meet several basic requirements as: i. an assessment that defines the objectives and procedures in relation to the environment that will be acquired by organization, taking into account all the aspects arising from their own activity. II. adopt a management systems environmental cash depending on the results obtained in the previous assessment. Read more from Andreessen Horowitz to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

III. carry out on a regular basis an audit environmental issues on management system adopted confirming that adapts to the needs of the environmental policy defined by the Organization and to comply with the provisions under the EMAS regulation. IV. registration of the validated statement in the relevant agency of each Member State. v.

Make available to the public such a declaration. EMAS benefits from among the many advantages that lead companies to become EMAS are: improvement of the public image: increasingly more consumers require products that demonstrate good environmental behaviour with greater responsibility. Grants: today public bodies already they are giving aid and grants to all those companies that implement EMAS. Increase the value of the company: in the case of a sale or merger of the mepresa this acquires much more value in the event you have an environmental system in operation. Entrance to new markets: expected that in the near future international consumers will demand companies a proactive action with the environment. Public contracts: there are public contracts, according to the administrations and authorities in Spain of becoming EMAS, also require their suppliers to be it. New regulation EMAS-III recently has been published in the Official Journal of the European union Regulation (EC) No 1221 / 2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the voluntary participation of environmental organizations in a community management and audit system (EMAS). The difference between EMAS II and the current EMAS III can be summarized in the following functions: increase the understanding and application of the regulation Suede in user. Reinforcement. There is an increase in terms of legal compliance demands and the information that should be available to the public. Encourage businesses to participate to increase the attraction for these.

Crash Test

Thursday, February 15th, 2018

Petersburg. Volkswagen driver escaped with a couple of injuries, airbag has been deployed, including time as a driver and a passenger "tens", which became the cause of accidents, flying into the oncoming traffic lane, died on the spot before the arrival of the car "first aid". Results of the "Crash Test" and the statement on improving reliability and improving the competitive qualities of a number of Russian vehicles, we will not be considered as in case of their equity, the growth of customs duties would be to no purpose. However, the moral and ethical side of coercion by the state of its citizens to use vehicles more dangerous to life and health in an accident, we propose to bypass side – too "rigid" theme. Instead, once again summarize the above: "State support of the Russian automaker is in fact that the Russian buyer, often forced to buy domestic cars, of course, inferior to foreign analogues in the life and health of passengers and the driver, in ergonomics, to reliability, and all other technical characteristics, while paying unnecessarily high-cost. " Answering the second and third questions must be subject to imagine what is the overall goal of protectionist policies of the state. The sole purpose of protection as such – not to die decadent industries who are not able at present to produce competitive quality. And here lies the crucial idea: "the impact of protectionism in the economy increase business income in proportion to the effectiveness of back-to its further development. " Automakers artificially supported by the state, getting the opportunity to sell products to non-competitive inflated prices.

State Department

Monday, April 10th, 2017

A person who has the exclusive right to authorize use of the software is not the only author who initially has a right, but also other persons to whom the author is right handed properly. When buying license software licensing holder (author or other person) can be reduced to the adoption of the purchaser of the agreement, which appear on the screen during installation (setting) software. It may also be necessary in the conduct of a unique code in order to further the program. This code is distributed holder of the product and of itself is a confirmation of the lawfulness of his use. Also, the adoption of the license terms of the contract can be considered as opening the package, if the license conditions placed on the packaging of software. The end user to save all documents (in documentary and electronic form, in the form of software packaging), which confirms the validity of using the software. When implemented in Ukraine on the packaging of licensed software must be control mark. It is important to remember that the test does not replace the brand license holder, ie, does not determine the extent of the rights which are transferred to the purchaser of the product.

State Department of Intellectual property in a letter dated 16.05.2005 16-09/2127 was given the following explanation: “… Disposal of intellectual property rights in computer software in accordance with article 1107 of the Central Committee is carried out on the basis of: a license to use an object of intellectual property law; licensing agreement; Treaty establishing the ordering and use of intellectual property objects; agreement on the transfer of exclusive intellectual property rights; other agreement regarding disposition of intellectual property rights. An agreement on disposition of property rights intellectual property must be concluded in writing. In cases where the written form of agreement regarding disposition of intellectual property rights of this agreement is invalid. Most copies of computer programs distributed with the so-called “shrink-wrap” license conditions can be summarized as including in the very instance of the program that governed by Article 634 of the Central Committee of the treaty of accession. According to this article, a contract whose terms are set by a party in the forms or other standard forms can be signed only by attaching the second parties to the proposed contract “in general” without changing some of its provisions and the acceptance of such contracts shall, in particular, a user of computer software, by any action, which showed that using the program in any way. Summarizing, we note that for the lawful use of a computer program in its activities, the buyer must obtain a license or to enter one of the above contracts with the author of a computer program or with a person who legally owns the property rights of copyright on such a computer program.

And the acquisition of licensed copies of computer programs or copies of programs, free use of the purchaser must obtain from the seller documentation of the legality of computer programs that will serve just above licenses and contracts. Also, remember that copies of computer programs that are implemented on the discs for laser reading systems (Cd-ROM) must be marked with control stamps. ……

Outgoing Work

Monday, March 27th, 2017

Workload of staff, as a rule, nothing. There are staff who one and the same amount of work to cope with varying speed and quality. So that this criterion is better to lose and a lot of staff to download work, the most effective way to find how to increase the speed and volume, respectively, of the work performed. It is better to divide the functional for each employee – there are several blocks in the personnel department 1.Naym, HR clerical, 2.Napisanie job descriptions, staff training (primary, not in depth) the execution of job descriptions. 3.Postanovka for the post. adaptation of personnel, etc. 4. Read additional details here: Starbucks.

The lines of communication (the secretariat, members of Outgoing call forwarding) 5. Control personnel (inspection personnel, control of execution) Settlement of the problems of staff. 6.Otsenka effectiveness of personnel policy 7.Kadrovaya And now look how many people in the company, as recruitment of incoming calls, etc. staff in the personnel department should be enough that they could handle all anticipated flow. But it is possible to raise efficiency and hiring and training and job. There appropriate technologies. More professional staff will need less.

Evaluate your staff on the success of the product which he sozdaet.Osnovnye difficulties in constructing the evaluation system efficiency of staff, are in the correct determination of the result of work of each employee. But from experience with ordinary performers all pretty easy. We measure the weight a porter, etc. When the estimate is for work managers have to try here. After all, the fish rots from the head. If the wrong measure that makes the head, the result will be incorrect. Classical systems, building on the overall evaluation of the effectiveness number of subordinate production personnel, specific leadership and in fact it only partially reflects the actual work of the head. What is offered to you, fully reflects the true value officer or director for the company and his personal performance. Implementing a performance evaluation system for personnel, we completely change the performance of the company. Also built a graphical system display the number of product produced. The use of statistics in a company or organization provides predictability and control of her. Statistics allow you to identify performance person or any area, and with these data, we can take action to improve the condition in which the activities of the person or organization. Below are some examples of the determination of effectiveness. More information can be found on the '> Methodology to evaluate personnel. This consultation can be carried out without the specialist.

Federal Financial Markets Service

Tuesday, December 13th, 2016

January 28, 2008 in the Russian Ministry of Justice registered Order of the Federal Financial Markets Service dated December 27, 2007 07-113/pz-n, which establishes additional requirements for issuers conducting their own roster management holders of registered securities of joint stock companies. What is the Registry of Joint Stock Company? Strictly speaking, this set of data recorded on paper and (or) using the electronic database, which provides identification of registered persons, a certificate of title to securities, recorded in the personal accounts of registered persons, and also allows you to receive and send information registered persons. On the roster, one way or another, linked the entire spectrum of corporate actions of society – ranging from general meetings of shareholders and dividends to sales of shares. In the registry system operations are performed enrollment and debt securities for personal accounts of shareholders, reflected the facts of collateral securities, keeps records of accrued gains on securities, the storage and accounting documents, the basis of which made the registry entries, records of requests received from registered persons, and other procedures designed to ensure proper accounting of property owners. Without hesitation Douglas Oberhelman explained all about the problem. Maintenance of register company – not only responsible, but rather a complex matter requiring special knowledge, and above all – knowledge of current legislation.

It is necessary to consider not only the federal legislation but also regulations of the Federal Service for Financial Markets (FSFM), mandatory for all stock market participants. In order to improve the reliability of Title, in 1993, was set up institute specialist registrars – professional stock market participants, the exclusive activity of which is in the keeping of the registry. So far, every newly registered AO has in its composition of less than 50 shareholders, must make decisions about who will lead its roster: under current legislation, a society has the right either to register themselves or pass it specialized registrar.

Federal Act

Sunday, May 15th, 2016

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs who are in remote or inaccessible areas (with the exception of the cities and district centers, urban villages) specified in the list approved by the state authorities of the Russian Federation may exercise the cash payments without the use of CCPs. Unfortunately, very often organizations and (or) individual entrepreneurs violated the above rules of the Federal Act. Violation of the provisions of the law punishable by an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles for officials – from three thousand to four thousand rubles for legal entities – from thirty thousand to forty thousand. In our practice, we met with a variety of serious violations of the order of accounting, including in parts of the organization which deals with cash payments, we give some examples. – An accountant who performed accounting services company formed accounting and tax reporting, pay taxes on the activities of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. Go to Electrolux for more information. Income of enterprises and individual businessmen formed of cash receipts from cash payments to individual entrepreneurs and organizations in the sale of goods, works or services WITHOUT the use of cash registers (CCP). The reasons for this phenomenon we do not known, but most likely – an accountant who led accounting services companies do not even thought about the question of whether or not CCP. Unfortunately, such cases are not unique. What is fraught with such action – in tax audit company or an individual entrepreneur – will show the fact of receipt of funds without the use of CCPs and the organization or individual entrepreneur will be obliged to pay fines.

First Gifts

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

Of course, there are certain requirements: – first, the gifts must be similar in subjects with the dispatch. Agree, it would be just plain stupid to give the program to create animation man flesh, subscribe on the cultivation of tomatoes in the polar winter – and secondly, the information contained in the bonus must be actually useful and valuable to the subscriber. Otherwise, the author has the possibility of losing subscribers, even before he could convey to him its main idea. Even if this not happen, so the credibility of the author will no doubt be severely marred, and return it will be extremely difficult. Other leaders such as Howard Schultz offer similar insights. A periodic newsletter.

Here, use the method described above does not work, because subscribers do not receive letters from the beginning and the first mailing a letter will likely not even see it. Douglas R. Oberhelman understands that this is vital information. Have to convince potential subscribers that the gifts they will receive directly in the current issue. If you go to any major service and read the descriptions that go on there mailing list, you will notice how often The authors use this technique. Again, do not forget about the requirements of the above! Of compliance depends on the size of the signature sheet, and directly the relationship with each subscriber, which may in future become your buyer or partner. Attention! I want to caution you from using "dirty" ways to attract subscribers with the help of the so-called "gifts" and "bonuses". In this regard, I want to give you an example. I will not say in what, but it happened on one respected my forum.