“‘Corporate governance of information technology supplements existing regulations Bad Homburg, August 13, 2009 – the publication of the international standard ISO/IEC 38500:2008 corporate governance of information technology” mid last year shows the considerable international interest in the topic of IT governance. Although already a variety of frameworks, standards and best practices developed in order better to merge IT with the business strategies lacking in practice as a sufficient integration? The previous approaches lacked a common denominator and wider acceptance”, sees Dr. Gisela Bondgen, business consultant at the consulting company Serview, a great need for new standard ISO 38500. Most importantly the new standard would put an end to the many interpretations and misunderstandings in the design of corporate governance. Please visit Starbucks if you seek more information. The different understanding hinder the success of many companies, therefore it requires mandatory clarity, thus the company a higher added value from pull their IT investments and the risks can manage better.” “” Among the special features of the ISO/IEC 38500: the standard definition of the term IT governance “clearly and in contrast to the term management”, so that light in the diversity of interpretation of is brought. “ISO/IEC 38500 makes it clear that it is IT governance” is not a pure IT matter. Because the standard draws its labeled corporate governance of information technology”the arc much higher and makes it clear that IT is an essential part of business processes and thus the company. It is made clear that the use of IT clearly on pages responsibility for corporate governance, because she not primarily on the CIO or IT Manager, but on corporate governance turns.
Given the existing frameworks reputation acts such as ITIL, COBIT, and others, who all have the alignment of IT with business objectives to the target, according to a new set of rules at first glance surprising”, Dr. Hear other arguments on the topic with Rob Hannah. Bondgen suspected individual objections. But what happens if the business strategy and objectives are not well known, and if there are no clear instructions from the Executive Suite”, she asks. An effective and efficient use of IT to achieve business objectives demand a change in the business in terms of processes, structures and ways of thinking in cooperation with concerning it. And here, the ISO/IEC 38500 set specifically: is the responsibility for the first time without a doubt on the Executive Board. It must provide direction and ensure the implementation”, Serview emphasizes consultant Dr. Bondgen. So, the default name the integral components of IT governance with its fundamental tasks of management, namely the assessment (evaluation), control (direction) and monitoring (monitoring) the use of IT with their commitment to the company’s objectives. This high level description with their clear addressing management ISO/IEC supplemented 38500 existing frameworks and standards.” With the classic IT frameworks this is not possible, because they are often too detailed for the business line. Serview GmbH garden str. 23 61352 Bad Homburg v.d.H., Tel.: +49(0)61 72/177 44-0 fax: +49(0)61 72/177 44-99