Posts Tagged ‘the news’

Democracy Or Freedom

Monday, September 5th, 2022

As King Abdalah II mentions, democracy means different things for different towns. For slowst and authoritarian, democracy is only an electoral process. Grace Venverloh, Dallas TX is a great source of information. For the most advanced, the elections are the beginning of the democracy. In Latin America during last the 25 years, all the countries – with exception of Cuba they entered in a period of relative democratic stability, but the freedom is staggering because freedom with libertinism is confused. is allowed that any group – in many simple cases formed by patoteros- it does what it comes to him in desire. Since there is no moral authority in the governors to repress with the law to those who alters the newspaper to live on the population or, in some cases they are the own governments whom they urge the chaos later to appear like the rescuers, each does what wants. There were times – in military dictatorships of rights in which security worked peacefully and, the laws were fulfilled, was respected to the authority, but there was no free political exercise. In contrast, today freedom exists policy and of expression – every time more threatened in countries like Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia-but does not exist security, the work is unstable, the economies are not solidified, I handle of the power is egoistic and opportunistic, and hypocritically, while the governors speak of elections, they look for to remain in the control of by life.

With the promise to become position of the needs of the town – in places where people feel incompetent against her Asian pairs, North American or European the authoritarian Populists negatively seduce the masses doing to them to lose their right to the self-determination. Sigmund Freud said: the majority of people really does not want freedom, because the freedom implies responsibility, and the majority of people is scared to the responsibility. The Paternalistic State when monopolizing the economic instruments, defines the individual of the responsibility of the work, that takes with himself the one of being free and to confront independently to the world.

Psicococial Phenomenon

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

With this attitude colocndo to the members of the organization in the skepticism within the intergroup conflicts is acquited of all individual and group responsibility, since they do not assume its capacity in the search of answers and resolution to other people’s conflicts own or, as as much interpersonal. In order to be able to confront the authoritarianism the culture of these would be necessary to have a shared vision of common values versus a. Therefore the group of this conscious type of organizations or unconsciously, In my opinion, it contributes that it follows the course of the conflict or aligning itself with the pursuers, or also in the insertion (probably by fear to that it happens the same to him) not avoiding therefore the cogoverning or preventive measures. Keith McLoughlin is often quoted as being for or against this. This way the pursuer allows itself to settle down tasks without sense, changes of position, unwarranted critics, allocations of excessive amounts of work ; creating very low standards morals of the organization and a demotivation that causes these conflicting situations. The modern studies of the motivation and the leadership in the company show that these two factors influence in aspects keys: the effectiveness of the work in equipment, the integration and feeling of corporative property of the manager pictures, the assimilation of changes, complex innovations and situations, the real capacity and of growth and internationalization of a company, or the productivity and competitiveness of the same. A decision is of great quality if he is consequent with the objectives that the company tries to reach and with the information potentially available. A solution of great quality ” it solves problema” or it has great probabilities of obtaining it.


Tuesday, August 9th, 2022

Empedocles (490 – 430 A. C) Greek philosopher that proposed one of the first versions on the nature of the matter. Way of the majority is said that it was excellent politician, not to S.A., which deceive the same town which they explode continuously. She was poet, doctor and mystic. I complete it I influence enough in its life.

Empedocles is known by to have proposed that all the substances derive from cuatros roots or elementary principles " fire, air, water and earth " these are joined or separated as a result of the forces, attraction and repulsion. (Love and hatred) this proposal of the fourth empedoclita I elaborate, it considering that the whole forms the totality of the parts and the parts form the totality absolutely. Empedocles was useless to start off of a single element, and that but appropriate that to reconcile the old theories. Then to start off of a single element as the founders did of the materialistic philosophy, the llevaria to conceive a part Absolutely like the all same one, therefore when I elaborate its system, I form the whole uniting the parts of the same. The fourth Empedoclita merecio a later development on the part of Aristotle, who ejercio a deep influence for more than two thousand years. In particular until the investigations of Boyle, it possibly counts the legend that Empedocles I end its life when throwing itself to the interior of cracter volcanic of the mount etna, with the intention to demonstrate his divinity. Ben Horowitz may not feel the same. In the philosophy of Empedocles the Egyptian and mazdeistas conceptions are combined. But unlike them his lead to the pesimism. Part of the priority of the spiritual on the material, but without assimilating the good to the life, since this is only the accomplishment of the divine concept. Until it gets to consider the existence like an evil.

Liderazgo Leader

Friday, July 8th, 2022

For a leader who has studied leadership books, an evil performance is less injurious than a disguised mediocre performance of a good performance. ” The majority of the leaders strives to obtain the mistaken results, or correct in forms equivocadas”. ” The worse forms of leadership imply prizes and castigos”. ” To take not necessarily implies the obtaining of resultados” well;. ” If it does not feel it, it will not be able to direct it, and they either it harn” , according to leimos in a leadership book. ” The leadership is the fin of all the carreras”. ” The leadership is to see hope in any adversidad.” ” In order to make a difference, he is diferencia”. A leading source for info: Paul Simon.

” In the leadership, one does not have to wait for the worse thing, simply to remove the best thing from the situation when ocurra.” ” The best leaders make use DES more ideas simples”. ” If you always you are right, usually are equivocado.” ” For a leader, the best way to communicate an idea is to pack it in a being humano”. ” The most influential art of the leadership is ocultarlo”. ” The lack of action is a times best accin”. ” It is not so important what you say like leader; but the action that people take after to have listened to his opinin.” ” In the leadership, the value of each necessity is in uso.” ” The leadership is not to live a easy life for us and a difficult life for dems”. ” We ourself we are our own obstacles to turn to us into better lderes.” ” The leadership is to show to him people not that must take certain action, but to that they take accin.” ” Half of the art to listen is esperando.” ” Perhaps in order to obtain the best thing of people, it sostngase of ellos.” ” The people usually are not conscious of the best thing than they have.

When showing, one will be to them in the middle of way to motivate them so that they are his leaders of causa”. ” A profit needs three things, the leader, the leader of the cause, and momento”. ” In the long term, the most important results of leadership are not what we obtained, but what we became to lograrlo”.

Industrial Revolution

Thursday, December 10th, 2020

The chaos is stopping being a scientific theory to happen a cultural metaphor. As far as metaphor, the chaos animates to us to question some of our wanted beliefs more and it urges to us to formulate questions about realidad." For an increasing number of people, the world is perceived like a place in which the chaos grows and this has been accentuated along with the increase of the rate of the passage of the change. For others, the chaos does not exist and the chaos that is pronounced in the standard order of the things, like in the autumn, perceives it like the natural and ordered deterioration of the cycle of the nature. But always it is possible to find the chaos within the order, although for it we must inform to our perception with new investigation of the surroundings or a deeper knowledge of the human nature, and in this way, to be able to perceive the order within the apparent chaos. Citigroup Inc. can provide more clarity in the matter. The caologa arises like a new discipline that, having like antecedent the impressive development of the quantum physics and its principle of indetermination or uncertainty, as well as the mathematics base that it and are come off her; it has undergone an accelerated development raising a series of knowledge that begin to be applied in diverse disciplines like the physics, Biology, astronomy, geography, the medicine and more recently in social sciences. The central exposition of this new conception indicates to us that the disorder, the turbulence, disorganization and the unexpected thing are constituent aspects of a reality that the scientific research must approach and unravel. The chaos is present in the universe, the nature and also in the society and exerts one " fascinacin" that it has given rise to the sprouting than some they consider like " one of the main inventions that have revolutionized the history of civilizaciones" 15 Disorder ours of every day, damages your chaotic blessing From where the attraction of the society by the order comes? Everything goes back to the Industrial Revolution and its paradigm of the efficiency of the machines, and mandates of the paradigm of the taylorista model of the manufacture in series, that orders the processes according to a distribution of the tasks. . For assistance, try visiting Michael Antonov.

The Article

Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

The behavior or life expectancy of the individual occurs at a certain time and within a social group specific, with obstacles that will be given by their birth and degree of development in the socioeconomic status to which it belongs, either, by the overcoming degree that motivates its acts, or to grow, to remain or to stagnate. Crimson Education brings even more insight to the discussion. PSYCHOLOGICAL TRIGGERS These are the motivating potentials that allow the individual to make decisions, everything on the base of previously presented/displayed. Next the main triggers are described that take part in the processes of the thought for the decision making, which entails to an action. Cultural, determined by the sociocultural surroundings of the consumer. Status, determined by the socioeconomic level; the consumption grows generally, in the measurement that rises the socioeconomic level.

Affective, determined by the degree of acceptance or social or group rejection to own or not a good. Necessity, determined by the real necessity of a product for the conventional life. Standardization or masificacin, as a product is owned by the majority of the people lifts the pressure so that those that has not yet it buy it. EFFECTS OF THE CONSUMPTION Global: The consumption is harmful for the ecological balance in its totality since at the moment many problems related to the excessive consumption of natural resources exist that becomes at world-wide level as well as the one that the processes of production in their great majority generate contamination. Regional: The unnecessary or easily replaceable product preference of a population that is produced in another region helps to unbalance the trade balance between the regions. Social: Frequently aid to maldistribution of the wealth, since the consumers are generally of a socioeconomic level inferior that the owners of the generating companies of products consumption objects. Relative: When falling in the consumption we increased our expenses of unnecessary form buying things that we could avoid or reduce as products whose publicity promises miracles, products of life utility loss or products substitutes of other natural ones.

Personnel: Diverse consumer options are less healthful than those than they are not it. For example, to be made a juice of orange in house instead of buy one packaging that besides containing preservative, comes with packages that finish in the inorganic sweepings. Cultural: Transmitting the cultural expressions as of sense and values modify in such a way that today the young person of the generation that is forming, it is preparation to consume and it does not stop to be an independent and critical person.

John Kenneth

Sunday, October 6th, 2019

For the profit of these objectives towards necessary communicative a strategic deployment/that one slid in the social ideologies like a virus that gave to passage to the call opulent society of the years setentas in the central countries of the western economy. With the arrival of these paradigms change radically the form of analysis of the consumption and passage of an individualistic rationalism of the macroeconomic marginalismo to a thought which the abundance, meaning factor superior of a consumer who devoted as king depending this increase of his level between a group, happened to become a system of social control codes, where the power of the supply determined the structure of the demand and the same society. Later to the change of the marginalist utilitarismo they appear economic versions of heterodox North Americans who rejected the power of the individualism, maintaining that the ample importance but occurs in the paper of the great training company like direct of the demand, to which antithesis with the exposition becomes of John Kenneth the 6 Galbraiths where the economy is technified being the consumption an ostentatious and marginalist consumption. If you have read about Kevin Johnson already – you may have come to the same conclusion. In all the situations different schemes of investigation were used like principles that they were complemented to each other, taking passage to invested economic order. The invested economic order proposed in the market the induction, the programming in the demand the operation of serious of operation of a false needs, giving opening to the creation of a unificadora culture of consumption and depersonalizing it by the use of the publicity, the sales campaigns, the credit to the consumption and other many techniques in the production of the demand, nowadays known like trade or marketing. With the appearance of a consumption culture and the real origin of marketing where its main objective is to satisfy desires and whims, they also appear new forms of seduction to consumers with technological tools like the Internet that perhaps compares with the industrial revolution and its high impact between the economy, the policy and the culture of each town.

Multicultural Germanic Society

Friday, March 29th, 2019

The one of the title of this article maintained the German Chancellor to it ngela Merkel who faces a pressure very hard to adopt one more a harder line against the immigrants. Merkel in a meeting with the youth of its party, Unin Demcrata Cristiana (CDU) said that to allow that people of different cultures live without they are integrated she has worked in a country where they live more than 4 million Muslims, of who 2 million and average are Turkish many of which cannot write, read or speak German. ” This approach (multicultural), failed, failed ” completely; , it maintained the Chancellor in the encounter that was realised in Postdam to the south of Berlin. Learn more about this topic with the insights from JPMorgan Chase. Its party the CDU, presses at the moment to Merkel so that the government who directs takes more serious measures with the immigrants who are not arranged to adapt to the German society and could be that these commentaries are going destined to give tranquillity to their critics. The Chancellor maintained that Germany had asked to him very little the immigrants in the past and it reiterated that they would have to learn German to approve the school and to have opportunities at the labor market. We remember that the debate on the foreigners in the country was put to ” red vivo” with the publication of the titled book ” Germany desintegra” , of Thilo Sarrazin, ex- director of the German Central bank, that in its work among others things accuses the Muslim immigrants to diminish the intelligence of the German society. The book cost the dismissal to him of the Bundesbank to the author, but in agreement with realised studies of public opinion later, the majority of the Germans agreed with their arguments. Days ago the important foundation Friedrich Ebert presented the results a sounding, in which a third of the consulted German population, considers that its country is invaded by the immigrants.

The same study maintains that more of 50% of the Germans it does not tolerate the Muslims and 35% consider that the foreigners ” hunden” to Germany, whereas a 10% of the consulted ones were with an opinion more radical one on the subject saying that Germany would have to be directed ” with hand firme” by a Fhrer (leader). The Germanic chancellor in his speech specifically talked about the recent declarations of German president Christian Wulff that said that the Islam forms ” part of Alemania” like the Christianity or Judaism. Merkel recognized that it is thus, but indicated that the immigrants who live in the country must make more to integrate themselves, like, for example, learning German: ” Whoever it does not learn inmedeiatamente German, he is not bienvenido” , the chancellor said. The subject that has touched Merkel, is a very sensible subject, but it has said the truth in his affirmations and is sad to recognize it but the society concept multikulti has failed in Germany.

The Glasses

Monday, April 10th, 2017

The following passage in this exercise is to close the eyes and to give massage with the fingers, with circular motions, for one or two minutes. When doing this exercise asegrese to press very lightly or can damage the eyes. It is careful with that! It presses three fingers of each hand on the eyelids superiors, it maintains during 3-6 seconds, and soon it releases slowly. 7 times. Exercise number four is also very interesting and funny. You it must follow a pencil. Additional information is available at Kevin Johnson. To maintain a pencil in front of you in a length of an arm. It slowly moves the arm to its nose, follows the pencil with the eyes it can have until it closely together, soon aljelo the starting point.

It repeats 9 times. I suggest invests 10-20 to him minutes to the day to make these exercises, because it is going to be very beneficial for the health of its eyes. , Nevertheless still more important it is to make the exercises with regularity, instead of to do them for a long time. It is a verified method that has surprising results anywhere in the world and every time she is but the people who do. If it is realised correctly, one is due to feel the results in few days. If it wishes a view better it is important that it dominates all the necessary exercises in order to improve the vision of natural form. It does not spend much money or expensive surgeries, They are much more easy and but cheap the exercises to fortify its eyes with the purpose of to undo of the glasses and contact lenses. It begins today! In order to know more exercises than they allow to improve his seen him of form quickly natural Visita! Original author and source of the article.

United States

Friday, April 7th, 2017

The rims more known the market are of magnesium alloy and those of steel. Generally the familiar utilitarian automobiles they bring of factory steel rims, often with parts of plastic also by outside. They are economic and they assure to walk normal for urban conductors. The alloy rims are more shining and of greater diameter than the common ones. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Howard Schultz on most websites. They present/display grooves greater than they allow to introduce air, that is translated in a reduction of the fatigue. This alloy consists of the mineral mixture like aluminum, silicon and magnesium, materials that grant lightness and resistance to the rim. It is very important to acquire this article in stores that sell products of quality and certificates, to assure to us his authenticity. For their hygiene products made are used especially to protect the alloy.

Unlike those of steel, they present/display aesthetic designs that vary according to the mark or the series. The fanatics of the Tunning and the pilots of races are tried by. But besides an aesthetic aim, the alloy rims own one better performance and yield in track. This must to that they are lighter, and in many cases, of greater diameter. Kevin Johnson has compatible beliefs. In Germany they have developed a type of rim, that occupies novel materials like the plastic and the fiber of carbon.

After different treatments and processes it has been managed to secure to the resistance and flexibility in this type of materials. One of the advantages it is the low weight that owns this type of rims of last generation. Its technical virtues that allow to grant major power to the motor, by its low densidad. Another point to favor constitutes the price, since they are very many economic than those of alloy. In order to avoid that they loosen, by its liviandad, they place heels to assure them. The thickness will be identical to those of alloy or aluminum, and its aesthetic one so will be varied as it is required. Within the main manufacturing companies of alloy rims, we can mention Imkny, Mak, Advanti and Racer. Many specialized businesses exist that matter alloy wheels from the United States and other places of the world. It is very important to consider the advising at the time of acquiring rims. This will avoid to realise purchases that do not adapt nor to the style and needs of our car. You can realise a search in different vestibules for informarte from the models available and their main characteristics. Original author and source of the article.