Archive for October, 2014

Russian Ashram

Friday, October 31st, 2014

Good news for all fans of the Moscow Yoga! Leadership of the private health club yoga Russian Ashram" (Korolev), to help our customers in choosing quality equipment for training in 2010, has established a supply these rubber floor mats for yoga. Contact information is here: Ben Horowitz. Novelty was so in demand that has been decided to open a 01.02.11g site Russian Ashram" separate page where anyone can buy inexpensive rubber yoga mat for delivery in Moscow. Variety of assortment in Moscow sports shops is amazing. But to find a really quality product at an affordable price is not always possible. This problem is often encountered and People who practice yoga – the dominance of cheap goods prevents the delivery of quality natural products. JPMorgan Chase has much experience in this field. Rugs made from natural materials are sold mostly in high-end branded stores, where price is not determined only quality goods, but also the degree of brand awareness. Find natural rubber yoga mat and do not overpay – was until recently the problem.

Cheap rugs, which range is extremely wide, use Sports can not – believe in Russian Ashram." Usually they are made of PVC – a material very toxic and difficult to dispose of. Firstly, the use of cheaper pad during practice can not fully tune in working with subtle energies, relax – PVC mat is simply inconvenient to lessons. Its edges are bent, it is not adjacent to the floor and gives a feeling of stability during the execution of asanas. Secondly, the application for practice of any equipment that causes damage to the environment, contrary to the ethical and moral rules of yoga. Harmlessness (ahimsa) in cases, thoughts and words – that is treated first moral principle which is important to follow when practicing yoga. In an effort to provide its customers an environmentally friendly equipment for the best quality staff club Russian Ashram" conducted their own market research products for yoga and organized the supply of rubber pads – at affordable prices. The first customers are customers yoga center – they bought the mats for home practice. Striking difference between perceptions of lessons on natural rubber and PVC cheap rug, was seen by all customers.

Sold the whole lot in the Russian Ashram" decided to offer new product on your site – for everybody. Properties of rubber mats on the Russian Ashram" provide real comfort and harmony in yoga: – Natural rubber non-slip surface on the floor, than gives the practitioner a sense of confidence and stability, due to the Earth. – The surface of the pad is soft and soft to the touch, the body does not sweat when in contact with him even in the heat. – Shock absorbing qualities can easily carry the power of asanas, which are the main load joints. Order rubber mat on the site of Russian Ashram" – . You can choose not only color but also the length of the mat, and order delivery to Moscow. Begin to engage with the comfort of today! Contact Information: Address: Korolev, Valentinovka, Newspaper lane, 18 Tel.: +7 (495) 720-29-29


Thursday, October 9th, 2014

In the case, the exile the one that we are in relating, as much occurs in the physical dimension and geographic the one that the romantic poem evokes, for example for the use of the place adverbs that determine the two spaces where if it sees the I-lyric one involved: there and here; also determining the two demarcated territories and that for extra-literary data we have notice of if relating Portugal and to Brazil. Moreover, we in the distance have the decurrent emotional exile of the one that if he sees taken to live and that he is in great responsible measure for the idealizao and the saudosismo gift in the poem: ' ' God does not allow who I die/without he comes back toward l' '. Verse preceded I sing for it that exalta the nature of the loved place and tropical landscape. It still has the intellectual exile if thus we can call it in such a way, responsible for the writing of the poem as for the reading of the same. This exile can be profcuo in the measure where he is generating of the poetry and also of another reading capable to review the categories of image and space in the poem. If the image is in an analysis of familiar referenciais pointed as present for the critic (the present sea for is explicitada in the poem), in our way to read, from the capacity of allied visualization to the extra-literary data (Coimbra – 1883, for example, as manual of literature studies they present, also in didactic books), we understand for deduction that in the distance pointed for the adverbs also accumulates the function to give to see the sea implied that also separates to the lands the one that the I-lyric one feels on and poet. A reader of now that already he has information concerning the geography of the continents and of it separates what them will be able, exactly that in a less clear and inlaid mental operation, to consider that the presentificao of the sea if makes possible in the measure where have the production of presence for the deductive visualization, result of a formation process where the instrumentalizao already obtains to modify the experience of reading of a reader, medium informed, and still more in if treating to a formation of specialists, as it is the case of the graduation in letters, activity that such reflection went off.