Kitchen Renovation
Saturday, May 27th, 2017Learn how your kitchen cheap & effectively modernize! Her kitchen has the best years behind? The drawers are no longer close & the electrical devices are “generation grandmother”? Here are 5 tips to effectively renovate your kitchen! Renew kitchen front: old kitchen is like new! “Miss your kitchen a new color: there are flexible front-end modules that fit every kitchen cabinet / brand on the Internet easily find suppliers of kitchens-front modules”. Their old base gets a fresh look of your choice through the new Panel. The hardest part of this is the color selection of new fronts. Tip: Warm color tones (E.g., reddish brown tones & orange) stimulate and awaken the joy of cooking and eating! Countertop Exchange: little effort, great effect. With a different countertop, you give your kitchen a makeover. As an alternative to the classical particle, E.g. natural stone countertops offer sensational shelf-life, natural wood worktops provide for a warm and welcoming look.
Not only the wide range of patterns, colors and surfaces, but also the different combination and installation options is amazing. So get started! With new dishwasher properly to conserve power. The modern dishwashers consume only a third of electricity compared to older models and a quarter of the amount of water. To protect the environment and your wallet! Single household or extended family, the amounts of dishes should be considered at the selection – it’s worth! With a modern ventilation system and ensure good air. New exhaust systems exist in many different forms and materials.
From your old cooker hood, make a piece of jewelry. Also the noise perceived often as disturbing was substantially reduced when new devices. Find out and be surprised, what anything is possible! Kitchen lifting the complete kitchen renovation by the professional kitchens Jansen from Cologne is your professional kitchen renovation, kitchen upgrading and kitchen tags. The complete renovation of your kitchen is planned together with you and as a total package for them. More info see: Jansen kitchen & living, Hackenbroicher str. 70, gives