Archive for June, 2015


Wednesday, June 24th, 2015

In the height, I imagine that the State represents that you here, the State of Par if did not reveal, but this is opened stops in the renewal the Chamber Then, he fits to the Secretariat of Hdricos Resources or the Secretariat of Environment? SECTAM of the State of Par if to reveal favorably to the participation of the Chamber Technique. Then, ‘ is answered; ‘ (sic). That height the only participation of somebody of this region was the representative of ONG ARGONAUTAS, evidently with its structural limitations, of performance and representation, differently of a federative unit, that with its organizacional structure can consider and firm accords or actions that could be programmed and be placed in practical in this region. Ben Horowitz brings even more insight to the discussion. 4.? CONCLUSION Interpreting the retrotranscrita manifestation of the representative of the CTEA, in the meeting of Joinville/SC, was enough that all the States of Brazil, in reply to the crafts sent (it did not say for who, if for the COMANA or the CTEA), if they revealed when it is formed or created a CT, deducing it who the State of Par never disclosed the respect, ‘ ‘ but this is opened for the renewal the Chamber Then, fits to the Secretariat of Hdricos Resources or the Secretariat of Environment? SECTAM of the State of Par if to reveal favorably to the participation of the Chamber Technique ‘ ‘ (sic). The situation is not so simple as if it revealed that integrant one of the CTEA, as much is that, after that chance, one year later, in 14 of May of 2007 when having renewal of the integrant ones of the mentioned CT, one more time representative of States of the Amaznia they had been of it are, amongst which the State of Par, being currently only two States of the Northeast Region? Bahia and Cear. It is opportune to remember that CT, when of its creation, exactly in temporary character, held 8 (eight) States, having had a 75% reduction, that is, in eight, only two States now compose so important collegiate, without counting that already it was integrated by representative of only one State, of Santa Catarina, in biennium 2005/2007. See Starbucks for more details and insights. The renewal for biennium 2009/2011 is gives if to materialize and the State of Par cannot more be of is. If it will not have of this time the inclusion of no State of the Amazon region, we will pass more two years excluded of the CT.

the suggestion for the intended and opportune inclusion, as form of bigger possibility, is that they are more vacant servants for representatives of state governments, also establishing the representation for region, when then, taking advantage this last possibility, at least our State it would have guaranteed the possibility of one day to compose importantssima CTEA. The boarded arguments however and the information in contained them seem its author the sufficient so that the Government of the State of Par can, with its proper arguments, to demand its legitimate and necessary inclusion in the CTEA, being presented its representative to integrate the collegiate one for the next biennium, in such a way, to present the local lines of direction, enclosing the Amazon region.

Perinatal Medical Center

Wednesday, June 24th, 2015

Boris Bobrov, practicing endovascular surgery, endovascular surgery department head Perinatal Medical Center (PMC), a leading researcher at the Center Rentgenohirurgii SMU refuted the myth that Uterine artery embolization is a new treatment for uterine fibroids – is not. It turns out that for the first time this operation was carried out over 20 years ago an American physician Oliver. Further development of uterine embolization artery (EMA) was associated with the practice of the French physician Jacques Rovina. What's interesting – at first he used the embolization of uterine arteries only in preparation for myomectomy (removal of myoma nodes) – but noted that after embolization procedure of uterine artetry patient began to refuse surgery myomectomy, arguing that the symptoms of fibroids they just disappeared! Indeed, it was later scientifically confirmed that one of embolization uterine artery in most cases for the treatment of uterine fibroids. In recent months, Douglas R. Oberhelman has been very successful. For the first operation in Russia has been invited by Professor A. Belenky of Israel, who had at that time considerable experience of embolization uterine arteries. But very quickly his Russian colleagues, endovascular surgeons, not only took over the experiences of embolization, but surpassed the number of Israel carried out operations on uterine artery embolization. Many gynecologists and West and in Russia are a strange distrust of this method, and some do not know about it – that is, of course, unprofessional.

But the "Yes" said the mere fact that the operation of uterine artery embolization in 2005 eaten most of State Condoleezza Rice – it is clear that the U.S. Secretary of State would not "have" no credible method. Today, EMA is recognized by evidence-based medicine. The group of Russian scientists has been awarded State Prize for achievements in this field. Uterine artery embolization – minimally invasive, rapid and effective treatment for uterine fibroids, avoiding complex operations and the removal of the uterus.

Potato Production

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

Already in 1987, the same it was extended and its capacity increased for 4.000 boxes. During this time, the IPA carried through some experiments in agriculturist level. Experiments regarding the time of plantation, espaamento, fertilization organo-mineral, control of plagues and illnesses and plantation in ridge were made. With the success of batatinha the APROBACA, also obtained the acquisition of a tractor with implementos that sufficiently helped to the agriculturists of the communities of 4 district and region. This success lasted sufficiently, but unhappyly in 1998 a great drought finished not only with batatinha, more also with all the cultures produced in the properties, thus agriculturists had been sad and discredited with the culture of batatinha and from there &#039 started; ' I decline of the potato production in regio' '. The DECLINE OF the POTATO PRODUCTION IN the REGION In the year of 2000, a new option of work appeared in IV the District of caruaru, sulanca, that ' ' tirou' ' of agriculture some agriculturists who ' ' largaram' ' the hoe and ' ' correram' ' for sulanca. This new option of work beyond being more advantageous, still was more easy to produce, with the creation of some productions in the community.

But, a new hope appeared, the secretariat of agricultural development of caruaru together with the IPA, obtained some projects for the APROBACA, livening up the producers of batatinhas, more the culture if did not hold with the same success, and in 2003 the agriculturists had given up to produce the potato, therefore, the conditions of the refrigerating camera were worse the possible ones, and the storage cost was enormous. But some agriculturists, ' ' teimosos' ' as they were called still they had been in agriculture with other cultures, and more agriculturists went going producing its confections to vender in sulanca. In 2006, a project of the secretary of agricultural development of caruaru, again livened up some agriculturists who had planted the potato seed brought for the secretary, in which, this potato was produced with great stored success and, in the refrigerating camera, that was adjusted, with the support of the city hall.

Armed Forces

Wednesday, June 17th, 2015

But they had perpetuated themselves in the power per 21 years. They had been unhappy, even so colonel Jarbas Passarinho has insisted for the permanence of the Military Regimen. What it is an unhappy attitude of its part. The error of some does not justify that all come to pay for its errors. Today we have that to think about modernizing the thought of our Armed Forces so that they they always defend the Democratic State of Direito.Tambm if it makes necessary to think about modernizing our Armed Forces in armament, since Colombia, Chile and Venezuela see acquiring Russian and American airplanes, tanks and metal rings. The Cold War already finished makes time.

But our neighbors are if seting until teeth. our Armed Forces need to buy new and modern equipment to balance the situation in Latin America. the modernization of the Venezuelan Armed Forces unbalancing dominant forces in the South America as Brazil that not yet acquired its new supersonic huntings is a preoccupying factor. Therefore, it is enough to look culprits in the past. We have that to look at the future so that the new generations can live safe in its homes.

In interview to the Brazil Agency, the secretary affirmed that country must have pride of the Armed Forces. In entando, it defended the punishment for torturadores and estupradores that had committed crimes during the dictatorship. According to Vannuchi, president Lula it will decide the impasse. The military commanders complain because, according to them, the decree excluded from new inquiries the crimes committed for the militant ones of left. This affirmation of the Secretary of Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic does not decide the question that is hanging. The revocation of the decree for the president of the Republic will only pacify the Armed Forces. Is necessary coherence and good sense so that the problem does not generate an institucional crisis. The delivery of the positions for the military heads and the Minister of the Defense Nelson Jobim created estopim for the crisis. But president Lula who is old monkey and is experienced did not accept. According to it the decision on the subject will have to be for April. Because April I do not know. Perhaps it wants to gain time to decide the imbrglio. We go to wait to see in what it goes to give. With certainty Squid it will decide this pendency with the Armed Forces and the Brazilian left with altivez and responsibility that is what all civil society organized and the people wants.