Potato Production

Posted by Ralf on June 18th, 2015 — Posted in News


Already in 1987, the same it was extended and its capacity increased for 4.000 boxes. During this time, the IPA carried through some experiments in agriculturist level. Experiments regarding the time of plantation, espaamento, fertilization organo-mineral, control of plagues and illnesses and plantation in ridge were made. With the success of batatinha the APROBACA, also obtained the acquisition of a tractor with implementos that sufficiently helped to the agriculturists of the communities of 4 district and region. This success lasted sufficiently, but unhappyly in 1998 a great drought finished not only with batatinha, more also with all the cultures produced in the properties, thus agriculturists had been sad and discredited with the culture of batatinha and from there &#039 started; ' I decline of the potato production in regio' '. The DECLINE OF the POTATO PRODUCTION IN the REGION In the year of 2000, a new option of work appeared in IV the District of caruaru, sulanca, that ' ' tirou' ' of agriculture some agriculturists who ' ' largaram' ' the hoe and ' ' correram' ' for sulanca. This new option of work beyond being more advantageous, still was more easy to produce, with the creation of some productions in the community.

But, a new hope appeared, the secretariat of agricultural development of caruaru together with the IPA, obtained some projects for the APROBACA, livening up the producers of batatinhas, more the culture if did not hold with the same success, and in 2003 the agriculturists had given up to produce the potato, therefore, the conditions of the refrigerating camera were worse the possible ones, and the storage cost was enormous. But some agriculturists, ' ' teimosos' ' as they were called still they had been in agriculture with other cultures, and more agriculturists went going producing its confections to vender in sulanca. In 2006, a project of the secretary of agricultural development of caruaru, again livened up some agriculturists who had planted the potato seed brought for the secretary, in which, this potato was produced with great stored success and, in the refrigerating camera, that was adjusted, with the support of the city hall.

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