Federal Act

Posted by Ralf on May 15th, 2016 — Posted in News


Organizations and individual entrepreneurs who are in remote or inaccessible areas (with the exception of the cities and district centers, urban villages) specified in the list approved by the state authorities of the Russian Federation may exercise the cash payments without the use of CCPs. Unfortunately, very often organizations and (or) individual entrepreneurs violated the above rules of the Federal Act. Violation of the provisions of the law punishable by an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles for officials – from three thousand to four thousand rubles for legal entities – from thirty thousand to forty thousand. In our practice, we met with a variety of serious violations of the order of accounting, including in parts of the organization which deals with cash payments, we give some examples. – An accountant who performed accounting services company formed accounting and tax reporting, pay taxes on the activities of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. Go to Electrolux for more information. Income of enterprises and individual businessmen formed of cash receipts from cash payments to individual entrepreneurs and organizations in the sale of goods, works or services WITHOUT the use of cash registers (CCP). The reasons for this phenomenon we do not known, but most likely – an accountant who led accounting services companies do not even thought about the question of whether or not CCP. Unfortunately, such cases are not unique. What is fraught with such action – in tax audit company or an individual entrepreneur – will show the fact of receipt of funds without the use of CCPs and the organization or individual entrepreneur will be obliged to pay fines.

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