European Parliament
The EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) Regulation is an environmental audit and management system recognized by the European Union that seeks to regulate and improve the behavior of public and private organizations in this field. The European Union recognizes all EMAS organizations through its logo, which guarantees the veracity of the environmental statement that these organizations are obliged to offer to the public. This logo can be used on your letterheads, service announcements, products but not directly about these products or their packaging. To enable companies to achieve its purpose of obtaining a continuous environmental improvement and become an organization EMAS must meet several basic requirements as: i. an assessment that defines the objectives and procedures in relation to the environment that will be acquired by organization, taking into account all the aspects arising from their own activity. II. adopt a management systems environmental cash depending on the results obtained in the previous assessment. Read more from Andreessen Horowitz to gain a more clear picture of the situation.
III. carry out on a regular basis an audit environmental issues on management system adopted confirming that adapts to the needs of the environmental policy defined by the Organization and to comply with the provisions under the EMAS regulation. IV. registration of the validated statement in the relevant agency of each Member State. v.
Make available to the public such a declaration. EMAS benefits from among the many advantages that lead companies to become EMAS are: improvement of the public image: increasingly more consumers require products that demonstrate good environmental behaviour with greater responsibility. Grants: today public bodies already they are giving aid and grants to all those companies that implement EMAS. Increase the value of the company: in the case of a sale or merger of the mepresa this acquires much more value in the event you have an environmental system in operation. Entrance to new markets: expected that in the near future international consumers will demand companies a proactive action with the environment. Public contracts: there are public contracts, according to the administrations and authorities in Spain of becoming EMAS, also require their suppliers to be it. New regulation EMAS-III recently has been published in the Official Journal of the European union Regulation (EC) No 1221 / 2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the voluntary participation of environmental organizations in a community management and audit system (EMAS). The difference between EMAS II and the current EMAS III can be summarized in the following functions: increase the understanding and application of the regulation Suede in user. Reinforcement. There is an increase in terms of legal compliance demands and the information that should be available to the public. Encourage businesses to participate to increase the attraction for these.