In Russia
This suggests that our population is in a rather disadvantaged, if not deplorable, condition. In connection with this situation in the area of lending, many people are questioning how to ensure a financial support with the least risk to themselves, and even in favorable conditions. From this perspective, learn about the new technology of interest-free loan of the population that is trying to get through to us in Russia. This system creation and implementation of lending to individuals through their union in public organizations. This form of work has long existed and is actively developing overseas.
Public association – not a commercial association, which was created to implement programs aimed at increasing the welfare and quality of life in society. Becoming a member of a social organization, you have the right to participate in all programs of the association. In Russia, this form of work is still referred to "Timeshare". Ie, a club whose members have special privileges. And one of these programs is an interest-free loans of members club.
What are the advantages of such an interest-free loan of club members? First, each member club is entitled to receive interest-free loan with no references, collateral and guarantors. His membership in the club is its Guaranteed. Second, all payments are made through the banking system bank statement, indicating that the transparency of all operations performed. Third, privacy. Each member of the club through his personal back-office monitors movement of credit in the system on-line. Fourth, attracting people to become a member, you will receive a special allowance for all the movements of his club card (for example, a certain percentage, if he took the credit). Fifth, Club members are eligible to participate in other "bonus" programs of the club. Thus, the topic is interesting enough for reflection. Finish is our consciousness to participate in such projects? Take hold if we have this form of work in the business clubs? And that we will have to become members of the club? If you're ready to take part in the discussion of this material, or do you have on this topic interesting thought, but maybe you have any questions, we invite you to the forum