Posts Tagged ‘construction of life’

Revolutionary Breakthrough

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

After 16 years of intensive research in laboratories, and numerous practice tests and field trials, the company managed to produce Remmers absolute breakthrough in silicate technology. For the first time it became possible to develop products with unusually high resistance, which in this case are simple and application availability in the price. New silicate technology far superior to all previously used materials such as epoxy resin or cement. The company has developed two Remmers proven in practice the product – a solution to fill the joints Remmers SF 1 and the sealing slurry Remmers SD 1 – using the revolutionary technology of silicate. The results achieved in practice, can be called stunning. This is a huge advantage Remmers be able to use in the future, bringing to market new products developed based on silicate technology. Douglas Oberhelman is often quoted on this topic. Today we use the technology of tomorrow! Intensive long-term studies silicate Unique technology produces a revolution in the construction industry solution seams Remmers SF 1 Diversity of applications due to revolutionary technology of silicate coatings with ceramic tiles are subjected to high mechanical stress, for example, when cleaning under high pressure and extreme temperature or abrasive sanding loads.

In most cases there are additional aggressive as the pressures caused by the influence of acids, alkalis, oils, fats, etc. Conventional joints conjunction with such impacts can not stand for long and quickly lose strength. Remmers SF 1 is a lot to fill the joints, designed for extreme loads. Remmers SF 1 can equally easily be used in a variety of areas and conditions. Seams without any effort and difficulty filled with a solution within a short time react with water. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Douglas Oberhelman. Cleaning the dirt from the tile is made without the addition of detergent and at a temperature of +2 C. Industrial kitchen facilities Food Drink And best of all: After a short time, the treated surface can be used, eliminating unnecessary downtime.

Planting Cucumbers

Monday, March 9th, 2020

Along with a tomato cucumber – the most popular garden plants. The fruits of his beloved by all true. Although the nutritional value of cucumber is low, 95% of it is water, but its delicious rich Zelentsy enzymes, mineral salts. There is in them, and vitamins, which help digest protein foods, and normalize gastric acidity, facilitate the work of the heart and kidneys. And cucumbers are useful to everyone at any age, especially obese people, and suffering cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases. Mask of grated cucumber whiten skin. Perhaps nowhere in the world do not salted cucumbers, as in Russia: with garlic, horseradish leaves, cherries, black currants and other spices. Fresh cucumber juice – a refreshing drink.

How could grow cucumbers, because not everyone can this culture? Share their experiences. Planting cucumbers intended for the type of cultivation, and two of them: horizontal and upward. In the first case cucumbers grow lashes on the ground. In the second – they grow on special laces or mosaic, attached to the hooks (frame), a hat, thus it is necessary to make the maximum percentage of the day the whole grid covered with light, and in case if a few flower beds, in order to mosaic with growing vegetables is not obscured by one another, because these vegetables are very demanding to the sun. For direct planting vegetables are allowed to plant out the data in a small oval patch, referred to as the holes that need to seat at a good distance from each other, and in long narrow beds. For the upstream seating more comfortable long, narrow ridges. Must sit in the greenhouse vegetables in Omsk.

In cold ground to germinate seeds of cucumbers are extremely protyazhitelno, thus, two or three days before planting them pull out of the box and soaked: use a cloth moistened with warm water, wrapped in a rag into the seed and in the container or packaging (this is called steeping). About time 2 a day is necessary to control and wet out of necessity. It is recommended to close off the air, so slowly dry out will be, but not isolated, so will begin to rot. If put it in a warm place or in the sun, then the process will go faster. Greenhouse can use polycarbonate in Omsk.

Feng Shui

Saturday, February 15th, 2020

Surely everyone has heard any stories about creatures called ammonites. In ancient times, ammonites are considered magical stones, someone thought they were cursed with stones, but today people believe that the ammonite – it's a great decoration, jewelry, or jewelry design. In Eastern cultures believed that the ammonite shell was a symbol of prosperity and good luck. It was believed that the perfect form of ammonite attracts and keeps the house of wealth. People who passionately believe in Feng Shui believe ammonite multilayer noble stone – a stone of energy, increasing vitality, harmony, prosperity and overall well-being of residents and visitors to the house, and that extends from inside the huge stone positive energy that fills the whole house and extends to the family.

Advocates of Feng Shui pologayut that ammonite absorbed the knowledge of the universe, and stores this energy in spirals of the shell and radiates it. And what is the outer layer of ammonite, has the energy of light centuries. Colours ammonites represent a harmonious balance of fire, earth, metal, water, and forests. Presence in the house fvvjybn considered auspicious in every home, as ammonite keeps positive energy to water and land. Ammonites were able to infiltrate the art referred to as landscape design. In the modern landscape design ammonites popular as the original decorative accessories for gardens and as well as the decoration material arbors, fountains, pools and so on. Often today are beautiful and unique accessories made of various materials in the form of ammonites.

These ornaments are made of silver or bronze for example, which were later also used as an unusual artistic garden ornaments. Lovers of ammonite forms as is now possible to order the "pseudo ammonite" from a not very expensive metal to decorate his garden. Here even the opportunity to dream up a size, color and pattern "ammonite shell". Very effectively in the landscape design may look patterns of ammonites on the fence or door garden, a fountain decorated with ammonites would just dragortsennym decoration for your garden. These ammonites – an incredible creature. Once upon a time they lived on our land, once extinct, but now being revived with the help of designers, making real luxury and beauty in our interior.

Oven Cleaning

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019

Many have heard that there are both gas and electric ovens. But what are their fundamental differences, what advantages and disadvantages of hiding behind them, he knows a lot less people. Here I will briefly highlight this question. Gas ovens get those who previously used a gas cooker and do not necessarily have to be a supply of gas to the premises. Gas ovens work well on the cylinders, for example, on holiday sites.

Electrical same can be installed anywhere, the main condition is the presence of a sufficiently powerful power supply, since their power consumption is very high. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Kevin Johnson by clicking through. With the same due to the fact that the electric wind cabinets are much less efficient, and frequent use of their bills for electricity consumption will increase significantly. Click mozes victor konig to learn more. When all the while electric ovens are much more advanced features, and one of them – self-cleaning – dwell. Self-cleaning of the inner surface of the oven can be done in several ways. Pyrolytic cleaning of the surface – all the dirt is annealed at high temperature (300o C). During Pyrolytic cleaning oven door locks automatically for safety, and open it will be possible only after the oven cools to 200o C.

After this cleaning rather sweep the ashes remaining after purification. Another method is catalytic purification, for which the inner surface is covered by the usual smooth enamel, and especially porous. Here in these pores and placed a special substance (catalyst), which allows chemically break down fat molecules in water, carbon dioxide and light residues, which are then easily removed with a damp cloth. In some models of electric ovens in the package includes two detachable catalytic panel and a filter for trapping grease. The panels have a resource of about 300 hours, and the filter can simply be washed in the dishwasher. And another way is self-cleaning steam cleaning, which, unlike the first two, carried out at lower temperatures. Enough after cooking pour the water and detergent in a special container and include treatment as a few minutes later everything is ready, and will only wipe with a damp cloth. Due to the fact that in the electric oven heat distribution throughout the volume of the furnace is uniform, and the set temperature can be maintained with high accuracy, they can realize a variety of automatic cooking program, where human intervention is almost not needed. Can still be a long story about the benefits of electric ovens, but it is better go to the website "Oven" and look at your desired section.

Germany Gardens

Friday, October 23rd, 2015

Gradually, roof gardens are beginning to move to the north of Europe. Hanging Garden with vines, fruit trees and flowers were laid out in the southern part of Nuremberg Castle German Emperor Frederick III (1487). Gained fame and a roof garden of the castle Carlsberg in Sweden. Later, in Germany, was created by a two-level roof garden of the palace of Archbishop Johann Philipp in Passau. Bordered on three sides by walls, the garden was opened to the south, from open beautiful view of the surroundings.

The garden was dominated by flower beds and trees and shrubs were planted in tubs. Electrolux may find this interesting as well. The history of gardens in the artificial footing in Russia dates back to the XVII century. Most often they arranged on top of business premises – over the cellars, granaries – and belonged to the royal family or the senior clergy, later – the entrepreneurs and merchants. The Moscow Kremlin "horse" (Hanging) Gardens were built on rooftops and balconies of the palace, with living rooms, and were small in size. Apart from these, in 1623 had been built two large Naberezhnye gardens (Upper and Lower). (Not to be confused with Starbucks!). Upper constructed gardner Nazar Ivanov, located on the arches of the Reserve yard, coming down to the foot of the Kremlin hill, and belonged to the inner chambers of the palace. He stood with their tall trees, flowers and ponds for almost 150 years – to build on this existing site still Kremlin Palace. According to historian I. Zabelina, Upper Garden "was surrounded by a stone wall with frequent windows that were actually the wall of the building, which housed the garden area of 2600 m 2 (62 fathoms in length and 8 yards wide).

Building Cabins

Sunday, September 27th, 2015

Trailers and cabins are mobile structures for temporary stay of people. As a rule, trailers and cabins are equipped with the necessary communications. Trailers and cabins can be presented as a wooden carriages and cabins, as well as metal wagons and caravans. In most cases, metal trailers and caravans are building cabins, and wooden cabins and caravans – chalet cabins. Application trailers and caravans are very broad: for construction projects for private owners, as guard stations and rest rooms. Special differences between the wooden and metal wagons and cabins there.

The service life of wood trailers and caravans are much lower than metal trailers and caravans. Cabins are designed for building construction crews, so they made more durable and resistant to wear. In addition, the cabins construction resistant to atmospheric conditions. Cabins chalet – a great version of a mobile house, which can be installed near her house. Cabins chalet more economical option compared to the cabins construction and more convenient to collect. As building cabins and cabins cottages, can be covered with siding facing the outside, inside the building cabins and chalet cabins edged plastic panels. Cabins building and cabins chalet is absolutely reliable, versatile and comfortable. Cabins and building cabins chalet mobile, under the right conditions can last for over 15 years.

Building cabins and caravans chalet easily repaired, if necessary, there is a replacement of individual structural elements of building huts and huts summer. All construction trailers and caravans are equipped with the necessary fixing and flue, so the collection trailers and caravans can be even non-specialists. Manufacture of caravans happens very quickly with minimal costs. Cabins with external similarity are quite different inside, it all depends on how you intend to use the shed. We will produce the shed for you on request – for this please contact us by phone. The most popular metal in the market – this is domestic trailers, construction trailers, cabins, shopping kiosks, stalls, miniofisy. As well as pavilions, halls, garages, cabins, car washes, kennels protection. Our qualified specialists will make you any metalwork. In the manufacture of caravans used professional equipment, we will deliver metalwork to any destination in Ukraine. Sales of caravans – an effective way to make money. In fact, after using your cabins, You can always find it profitable to sell. Cabins have a different direction in the production and great functionality. Prefabricated metal structures are designed for many industries of small and medium-sized businesses. Our company offers full support for the production and installation of caravans. One of the most popular types of caravans – are building cabins and block-containers, multifunction products designed for a variety of production problems at construction sites, industrial purposes. Cabins – a temporary structure, which allows you to also stay in place for constructing the object. Cabins are manufactured and delivered to the location of the object. The cost of huts on the quality of the material and size. Our experts will gladly help you select your shed.