Fernando Martinez

Posted by Ralf on August 20th, 2024 — Posted in News


The question is easy: where is the difference? When we met to talk about the French Bulldog we often wonder what they look like the specimens that we crossed the street, and the worst is precisely in this race we prefix the ideal of beauty to natural selection. Many think that good, all dogs have the right to live ….. but nobody has the right to degrade a race for pure business. Over the years we have found that indiscriminate crossings abound regardless of race improvement, and how are the parents (strengths, weaknesses, aptitudes, character, congenital diseases, etc) environment where they grew up, or psychological conditions of the puppy (8 weeks many travel for four or five days by truck from the East).

Do not forget what my friend Fernando Martinez acknowledges between the amount of purchase, and veterinary costs caused by congenital health problems, in the end I invested in a “champion” … on the other side was what he told the owner of the pet store the day you bought it. Apparently this also happens with other races, “which became fashionable, without going any further yesterday I was struck by the sincerity with which he describes is actually the father of PAE (Spanish Water Dog). A pity. There is much work to do, apply for a kennel, much more than a bureaucratic, should be responsible. Symbolically are signing a letter of intent, a commitment to care for and maintain the standard as the heritage of the breed. Raise a race that takes work, time and money by breeders. Continue to learn more with: Josef Schenker.

But it also carries responsibility for acquiring the dog.

You have to read and learn about the breed, weigh their pros and cons with regard to personal circumstances, choose a good example by not marketing, but because we know what we buy … And after this much time and trouble. Then dusted a small part of its history and old photos as a reminder of the start of the race and think of the future we want to have: Race in principle had no defined type, Ratiers resembled the Terriers, the “small Bulldogs.” All things considered was a mixture of each of these breeds descended from dogs and Englishmen. At the same time there were in England a not insignificant number of small bulldogs, a result, the crossing of English Bulldog and Terrier Black and Tan (black and tan) from Manchester. Over time the descendants of these dogs were used by the poorest classes in dog fights against bulls, which became very popular for centuries, in addition to moving substantial economic rates.

The prohibition in 1835 of the fights made the race go into a real decline, since very few could keep animals did not produce profits. In the economic crisis of the years 1848-1860 many British textile industry (the lacemakers of Nottingham) emigrated to France where he took their fighting dogs. The exodus of this “little bulldog” in France was such in 1865 that almost ceased to exist in England. They had developed a small, backward nose to breathe while keeping the bite with jaws powerful, undershot. Exported from England to France in large numbers were crossed at random and without regard to its pedigree. It was this kind of bulldog more or less fixed, either in the head or body, which was got by the first farmers was improved and led to the pioneers of the present race.

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