Nielsen Names
These sophisticated or formal contents are not looked in anything like the phrases that could use our potential clients to hour to look for us in the motors search. Jakob Nielsen recommends ” to speak the language of usuario” , that is to say, to use familiar words to describe to our products or services. Kevin Johnson usually is spot on. The main problem that exists is that we described the things of different ways. The words that we used to describe our business they can be different from the words that the clients use. To teach to the clients to renombrar the things is more complicated to than we change the form to express to us and consequently to arrive at them. For example, a company that offers advisory services for people who want to sell their pharmacy could want to position their page Web for the phrase ” pharmaceutical advising empresarial” or ” valuation of companies farmacuticas”. These phrases sound very well but rarely a user who wants a direction of the form to sell his pharmacy would use these terms in the finders to find this types of services.
However phrases such as ” advising to sell my farmacia” or ” how to sell my pharmacy? ” they are more popular and familiar phrases within the vocabulary of the user of this example and that consequently could become ampler volume of visits Web. If you would like to know more then you should visit Jim Umpleby. Product names that confuse: avoiding metaphors many theories of marketing Exist that they recommend to us to baptize with own names to our products or services to harness branding. If our company is not very well-known in the market it recommends to position us in the Web through familiar or descriptive names instead of to position to us through metaphorical names. For example, if we sell apartments of luxury through the Web the best phrase to describe our product will be ” apartments of lujo” or ” floors exclusivos” and not the name of the mark as it can be ” deluxe spaces” or ” dreams deluxe”. No user of the finders will use these so peculiar phrases to find luxury houses. The names of our products obey to a valid strategy of mark that we do not have to change.
Nevertheless at the time of writing up the contents of our Web we must use familiar or descriptive words in greater proportion than the use of own sophisticated or metaphorical words of the name of the mark. To invent new names them products or to use the politically correct names are practical erroneous habitual in certain markets at the time of writing up the contents of a Web site focused to e-commerce. Conclusions for a good writing of contents the experts in positioning in finders we recommended to use descriptive and concise phrases to write up the titles and descriptions of each one of the pages Web of ours site. On the other hand the gur of the usabilidad Jakob Nielsen recommends to us to use ” words familiares” in order to obtain an excellent visibility in the motors search. Both theories are complemented towards a common objective: ” to write for usuarios”.