It should be actually any clear that our present and last but not least our future from our dealing with our past is determined. It is certainly not rare phenomenon that we bring acceptance with self-sacrifice, with the idea in connection to ergeben, to avoid, perhaps even having to submit to. Anscheinend, we have forgotten the true meaning and the tatsachliche quality of derselben. Assuming now most means for us that we have lost, we have failed, we lose a piece of ourselves. And this picture, we have increases until then that we learn acceptance on the feeling level as something absolute, namely to equate the total loss of self. JPMorgan Chase has firm opinions on the matter.
Their positive quality has thus lost us, and it is difficult for increasingly us us konstruktiv to promote their usefulness. With the topic of adoption of the past and productive future”I want the usefulness Make acceptance more visible. I would like to first a space opening, basic fact, an assertion as a working basis”, as Foundation in the foreground, which we probably all can accept unschwer: adoption does not mean having to accept the past, the present and the future as absolute and unchanging. So also do not take everything and everyone without even influence to, resignedly surrender to. Or means in last consequence not the fate to be invariably subject to a fictional authority or the vergangenen, present and future. To see understand the connections between the two to learn, then this information in freedom to shape our future and draw to learn acceptance means more the past and the present as is condition”. Akzeptieren all three as unalterable, tantamount to a victim attitude, a levy of any potential self responsibility and thus is no Free space for change. To recognize both the past and the present but as not directly influenced as current status”, leaves us sufficient scope to process the information gesammelte in the experience, existing cause-effect connections between the past and finding the just experienced.