The Great Panic–the Chinese Are Coming!
An opinion on the “exploding Wunderbaumchen” the assessment and opinion about the economic impact of company China on that applicable to sheathing, we need to West Germany and the global economy embossing a look at first some statistical relationship principles: The surface of China’s approximately 10 million km2 (has the Federal Republic of Germany) and is covered by 1.3 billion people (16 of the Federal Republic of Germany). The growth of GDP was still 8.7%, which represents the 7 times in contrast to the Federal Republic of Germany. But despite a per head gross domestic product $ 3.719 China however remains the largest emerging market with huge regional differences in economic development. The accession of the people’s Republic to the World Trade Organization (WTO) 2001 includes not only a commitment of China, and the WTO members to the reintegration of the big country in the world economic system, but is a clear signal of the opening of their country and a confirmation for the entire world to the Chinese public “Reform and opening”, which the country operates now more than 30 years, to the development of the Socialist market economy of Chinese characteristics “to consolidate. Yet still, China faces enormous tasks which have to be solved. How can agriculture 400 million people live, which accounts for only 11 per cent of GDP? So how can you survive with 50 USD per month? Here we are at the actual issue: China’s innovation policy. Extrapolating despite deficit cooperation between science and industry with a chase of Chinese research cluster”, because even China’s leaders recognize these structural deficits.
China has all the instruments to create a cheap and dangerous for competitors environment in principle. Yet it manages to expand China up to now not yet these structures and capacity of development so that international demand innovations arise. This abroad and thus also the FRG is clear in the competitive advantage, because in these countries the vocational and tertiary education as well as the transfer of research results into the economy is significantly better and safer pronounced.