Decorate Bolardos
An urban movement has decorated ten bolardos with colorful covers. Through Internet the group Urban Knitting has assumed this action. Here, More expresses very clear opinions on the subject. This group looks for objectives for " to decorate them, to do them more tuna and amables". A ten of bolardos decorated with colorful covers of ganchillo adorns for several days the old helmet of Valencia, an idea that as much to neighbors as to retailers seems to them " alegre" and " very original". Through Internet the group Urban Knitting has assumed this directed action – they indicate " to look for new objectives, to decorate them, to make them more tuna, and amables" funny;. In the heat of heart of the district of the Carmen, next to the Place of the Negrito, ten contained bolardos perfectly hold the heat with pieces of glad colors, apparently from the past Sunday, according to have commented several neighbors of the zone. Latin, trading Adriana of the district, has considered that an artist could be the author of the covers of the bolardos, since days ago girls saw one put the covers, and has described the idea as " brilliant, fantastic and very original".
" It seems to me artistic, not of protest; it is a sample of art or something original, that is characteristic of the helmet histrico" , it has indicated Latin, who has explained that the tourists remove photos to them because he is something that " atencin" calls much;. Nevertheless, Jose, a neighbor of the district, thinks that the bolardos have been decorated to avoid that they are cleared and the cars can park upon the sidewalks. " Folln was a little they wanted because them to clear so that they parked the cars, but the neighbors we want tranquillity " , it has indicated Jose, that has added that although considers " good idea" to decorate the bolardos, " people go " just a little bit;.