Certeau Past
History does not reconstruct the past and yes it reconstitutes the facts of likely form. Michel de Certeau? in citation of Chartier Demonstrou as the writing of the history, that assumes the chronological order, the closing of the text and the filling of the interstices, it inverts the procedure of the inquiry, that has left of the gift, that could not have end and that it is collated without ceasing with the gaps of the documentation. (P. 15) Chartier cites the indicirio paradigm of Ginzburg and that history, according to Certeau, produces ' declared; ' cientficos' ' that convokes the past, shows the ability of the historian with the sources and tries to convince the reader. The historical speech part of the gift, where its object already if does not find, and goes constructing teias of information to contextualizar the facts. In the historical institution, Chartier looks for to show as history functions in its meandros.
It says that the historical institution allows only one type of production and forbids others. Loccus of historiogrfica production that before was the palaces and monasteries, today one meets in the universities where much is produced? in some cases alone in search of titulao of the historian? is this encastelada production still in the academies. Chartier cites the case of Philippe Aries that was seen with diffidence for being a history academic and also does not speak of the preconceptions and the subjetividades of the historian. Citing Ricoer the author speaks of the joint of the three phases of the historiogrfica operation and the reconstruction of the past as gift in the memory. He has the relations in the past between history and memory and the relations in the gift between history and fiction. We do not have to tergiversate the literary registers and of other forms of art? in special the scenic ones? but we must extract what of likely such workmanships they present without taking them as really scientific registers.