Brazil Productions

Posted by Ralf on March 6th, 2014 — Posted in News


It would be the same thing that to try to vender refrigerator for eskimos, what it would be impossible. It seems that the solution of the problem places in them in the interior of a vicious circle: the cinema does not receive investment weighed, so that good productions occur effectively, because it does not have a demand of people to consume these national productions, in turn, the people of general form if do not interest for the national films because she has little investment, what she intervenes directly with the quality, having the producers to make accord with would borracharia of its Z, and with aougue of its Joo, rationing to the maximum the expenses, to give handle to one definitive film. The solution most reasonable, in order to be able to nourish a certain hope of change, consists of investing in the valuation of the national cinema. It is possible to teach the people, exactly that she seems one taken over on a contract basis difficult the principle very, to be acquired knowledge of the value and the necessity to attend our proper productions, in such a way passed how much gifts, of which many of bonanza quality exist, but unhappyly little known, and therefore little appreciated. Education for rescue of cinema national, and big availability of sessions of films national in rooms specific of character public, followed of debate on film with presence of cinfilos, (that it is the work that already has been made with much love, but of shy form for our cineclubistas heroes since the start of the century passed in Brazil) and more transmissions of national films in the opened television channels, perhaps either the start for a more feasible solution in the gift for changing ours situation. Perhaps the legislation could help in this problematic one, for this I consider two possible and feasible measures to start to change the picture of the national films in Brazil of form that at least national films are in an equal level of competition with the foreign films, mainly in relation to the American productions that dominate market national. First I consider a law that demands of the open canals a minimum amount of national films, for month, for example, in way that the Brazilians if accustom to appreciate our national productions. The promulgation of a law is possible also that it demands that in all the cinemas, have a minimum of sessions for national films, with incentives of the government for the reduction in price of the sessions of national films.

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