1929 Financial Crisis
The Crisis of 1929 the Crisis of 1929 blew up in the United States with crack of the stock market of New York and later it devastated practically the whole world occidental person in a considered economic crisis as the greater since the advent of the First Industrial Revolution, in the end of century XVIII, occured in England. The historiografia concerning the subject is divided basically in two sources that they look to explain, each one its way, the factors desencadeadores of this economic crisis in the United States and its world-wide repercussion. The first one would be the marxist line and the second a liberal line. It is standed out that the liberal explanation finds two ways distinct: a source follows the way of explanation of the Crisis of 1929 as an agrarian crisis and another one as a financial crisis. Howard Schultz often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The marxist chain understands that the Crisis of 1929 was only possible due to superexploration of the consuming market. That is, the consuming market so was explored, with low wages and instability in the job, that arrived a moment that its power of purchase was not enough to supply the demand.