Posts Tagged ‘economy’

San Gregoria Armeno

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

The area of San Gregorio Armeno attracts tourists from all over the world between November and January. Here is located the large market of the manger, another important Street Neapolitan Christmas tradition, the Spaccanapoli, formed by the Via Pasquale Scura and Via Benedetto Croce artery. The latter is located between the Piazza de el Gesu Nuovo and Piazza San Domenico. Go to the Edenlandia, the oldest amusement park in Italy, was founded in 1965, of course you should go to the Naples underground, which is a complex catacombs and galleries that are under the city. In antiquity it was a true underground city, many streets had their parallel galleries underground. In Roman times, many Christians who were persecuted, took refuge in these catacombs. One of the cases was the Holy Martyr San Gennaro, that he was being chased by preaching Christianity in an Italy that was officially pagan. Details can be found by clicking bobby bland or emailing the administrator.

During the second world war, these catacombs were used as shelter for the bombings of the allies against the city. If you have time go to the volcano of Mount Vesuvius which is a composite, sito stratovolcano at the convergent boundary where the African plate starts being subducted beneath the Eurasian plate. Its lava is composed of viscous andesite. Layers of lava, slag, ash, and pumice make up the mountain. It is the only volcano in mainland Europe that has erupted in the last hundred years, although at present no It is in eruption. The two other Italian volcanoes, Etna and Stromboli are on islands. It is about 9 km east of Naples and a short distance from the shore of the sea. Visually stands out in the landscape which presents the Bay of Naples, seen from the sea, with Naples in the foreground. Definitely to Naples on a trip through Italy, it can not meet, in particular he liked me much, can be enjoyed widely.

The Itaquero

Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

The reform of the stadium of the Maracan, that will receive the end from the Pantry, was calculated in R$ 600 million, but the official forecast already exceeded R$ 900 millions and must arrive, according to proper government, to the value of R$ 1.1 billion. Check with Barclays Investment Bank to learn more. The explanation for the increase of the value is that, among others things, the electric structure of concrete and installations in the initial forecast of the expenses were not enclosed. The Itaquero, future stadium of the Corinthians and that it will receive the opening from the competition, also must cost R$ 1 more than bi. Source: T-Mobile. Other enclosures for bullfighting, as the Mineiro, and the New Source, in the Bahia, already each had also had its costs exceeded about R$ 100 million. In the Pantry of Germany, in 2006, expenses had been 1,5 billion of euros about R$ 4,15 billion alone with stadiums – half of the value that is being expense this way so far. In the South Africa, in 2010, they had been 3,9 expenses R$ bi with the enclosures for bullfighting. Brazil already must have learned the lesson, therefore we saw phenomenon the same happening in the Pan-American disputed in 2007 in Rio De Janeiro, when the investments would have to be in the house of the R$ 500 million, but had arrived at the R$ 4 billion, with aid of the government. Since the country was chosen to host two of the biggest esportivos events of the world, structure is more than what necessary. But beyond the expenses blowing up initial budgets and forecasts without convincing explanations for in such a way, still exist another problem: who goes to use to advantage this structure later? Brazil will have conditions to use to advantage them or they will go to become the celebrities ' ' elephants brancos' ' , great constructions that are not used for nobody later that the events for which they had been constructed finish? When we speak of airports or new lines of subway, for example, this problem seems that it does not go to exist.

Pantry Government

Friday, August 28th, 2020

In Brazil, the Law of Fiscal Responsibility (complementary law n 101, of 4 of May of 2000), established a set of control rules on the public finances. This was a tremendous advance, brake in the irresponsible governing. Exactly passing disregarded for the great majority, we can infer that it was the one of the great advances obtained in the change of managemental behavior of the public accounts together with stabilization of the currency. This does not seem to have been enough. Brazil lives in century XXI a odd moment, of prosperity and stability.

The government of the PT had responsibility in diverse actions of public administration and surfando in the global waves of wealth we pass uninjured for the 2008 crisis and are ' ' ball of vez' ' with the Pantry of 2014, Olimpadas of 2016 and tri championship in ' ' investment grade' ' obtained in the three better institutions appraisers. The euphoria is total, with reason. However, a fact takes off the sleep of economists serious and worried about the so promising future of this country. It uncontrols it of public expenses, mainly in the current expenses. Yellow light has access: The central government registered primary deficit of 7,632 billion Reals in September of 2009, the worse one resulted for the month since the beginning of the series, in 1997. If the least was the rise of the investments, but it is not.

We see for the still recurrent problems in the health, education and infrastructure, mainly roads and ports, that expense is pure expenditure, without the had return to all the contributors, but privileging some categories. The inheritance of Squid can go for the space. It has high indices of popularity, Brazil perspective positive, its legacy still is protected by some measures that exactly questionable, some social result brings. The care must be redoubled in the management of the public finances, this has been its heel of Aquiles. The BC has played its role, Meireles is craque, but they exist inside current of the government antagonistic in the care with the public expense. The taxes of interests in decline, the appreciation of the Real, an increase of consumption of the families and the constant increase of the public expenses in the current expenses can be combustible for the inflationary flame that starts if to encetar in the country. Several you alert are being given. If the inflationary monster to come back, will have to be different, but it will destroy the dream of this promising future and will cause damages that will penalizar many future generations. I always looked at with optimism the new change of the economic order, the new premises, the learning with last problems and the current tools of management had never left in them to come back to live the inflationary perigos as in the past, but all well-taken care of it is little. A thing must be clear. The same ones do not have to be happened again effect of the passed inflationary profits, but the causes still must be the same ones, the consequncias can more come of modified form, but maleficent and still thus .causing of problems social politicians and the front. The yellow light has access has some time, the euphoria is healthful, but the responsibility and ability in the administration of the potential prosperity are more important that to be lived dream. I always say, we cannot confuse the Brazilian state with government of Brazil, are distinct things and they cannot be mixed. Profits current politicians can mean great problems in the future, always were thus.

National Index

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Representatives of the segments of materials of automobile construction and had said that president Lula if mook a mistake when inferring that the cut of the tax was pocketed by entrepreneurs. For the president of the National Association of the Traders of Material of Construction (Anamaco), Claude Conz, the fall in the prices for the consumer is evidenced in the National Index of the Cost of Construo (INCC). According to it, the fall in the prices of the construction materials contained the rises of the index, that registered high in the costs of the workmanship hand. Kevin Johnson is actively involved in the matter. ‘ ‘ The case most expressive is the value of the cement bag, that cost R$ 18 has two months and today 16.’ is vendido the R$; ‘ In accordance with the president of the Anamaco, the average reduction of 5 porcentuais points of the IPI for construction materials represented fall in the prices of 8 points in the tip. ‘ ‘ This because you did not reduce only the paid tax for the industry, but also the porcentual of the profit edges and others impostos.’ ‘ For representatives of the automobile sector, the disinvesting of a charge of the IPI, in vigor since December middle, stimulated the market and integrally was repassed. After adopted fall of 25% in the sales of November, the measure gave new breath to the market. Of January the May, the sales add 1,149 million of vehicles, only 1,576 units to less of what in equal period of 2008, when did not have international crisis.

Together with the return of the credit in longer stated periods, the automobile market of the Country comes reacting of more positive form of what other countries, where the fall of the sales is brutal, as in U.S.A. and the Europe. BibliografiJornal the State of S. Pablo of 24 of June of 2009 Periodical of Brazil of 24 of June of 2009 Periodical Leaf of S.

1929 Financial Crisis

Tuesday, August 16th, 2016

The Crisis of 1929 the Crisis of 1929 blew up in the United States with crack of the stock market of New York and later it devastated practically the whole world occidental person in a considered economic crisis as the greater since the advent of the First Industrial Revolution, in the end of century XVIII, occured in England. The historiografia concerning the subject is divided basically in two sources that they look to explain, each one its way, the factors desencadeadores of this economic crisis in the United States and its world-wide repercussion. The first one would be the marxist line and the second a liberal line. It is standed out that the liberal explanation finds two ways distinct: a source follows the way of explanation of the Crisis of 1929 as an agrarian crisis and another one as a financial crisis. Howard Schultz often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The marxist chain understands that the Crisis of 1929 was only possible due to superexploration of the consuming market. That is, the consuming market so was explored, with low wages and instability in the job, that arrived a moment that its power of purchase was not enough to supply the demand.