Three Causes Of Inefficient Construction Planning:
Incompetence, which is priority of the creative and the concealment of costs the cost overruns in building major projects today no more exception, rather more often a serious probability that seemingly unexpectedly transforms promising projects in costing-based disaster. Read more here: Douglas Oberhelman. The major financial risk of new large buildings makes investments is uncertain and the projects themselves so unattractive. The Hamburg Elbphilharmonie Hamburg is a very good example of this. The reasons for such massive construction costs exceeded can be quickly identify and resolve very well through integrated cooperation of creative and cost planning. To bundle competencies, planning and cost targets are regarded with the same priority and openly discussed aspects of cost at any time.
The plea of the LV/AG is therefore the personnel separation of planning and cost control. Construction projects can be economically then successfully wrapping if unite creative skill and business thinking. They do this mostly but not in a people which means that the management construction planning teams ideally a dual leadership should make one so. Included in the management team is an excellent architect with unusual ideas and the ability to think differently and also across. At his side, an excellent cost Planner, see economically strong and absolutely structured thinking and approach. Both working and cooperating on the highest level.
And at the end is a first-class result, because everybody’s doing, what he can do best. Such a management structure raises the cost aspect very much in its planning significance. Enter the creative design and economic implementation with the same priority in the planning. Clear allocation of responsibility in the creative as in the economic, an awareness only this, that also includes compliance with cost targets is a very substantial main planning goal with the planning objectives. Openness and discussion of both planners of the architect and the engineer is a criterion of success. Again, this is Remaining original building designs and hence the hiding additional costs to watch. The determination of the cost overrun is delayed until a rescheduling of appointment delays would mean and stipulating further extra costs is no longer applied by the client. Professionalism and competence balance between creativity and control costs are therefore the secret recipe for a good and economic success of each major construction project.